magneticio / vamp

Vamp - canary releasing and autoscaling for microservice systems
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event based workflows event calls don't show up in event stream #1003

Open olafmol opened 7 years ago

olafmol commented 7 years ago

a workflow that is generating an event and that is running as daemon type works as expected, showing the event in the event stream. Changing it to event type and triggering it does not show anything in the event stream. In the logs this is shown though:

00:44:07.928    INFO    io.vamp.operation.workflow.WorkflowActor    Triggering workflow: 'hello_workflow'.
stuartleeks commented 7 years ago

I've successfully run an event-triggered workflow in the vamp quickstart environment on my linux machine, i.e. I see the events that the workflow generates in the event stream in the UI.

In my DC/OS environment I get the same behaviour that @olafmol described

Running DC/OS 1.9.0, VAMP 0.9.4, Chronos v3.0.1 (mesosphere/chronos:v3.0.1)

stuartleeks commented 7 years ago

Looking in the chronos stdout log via marathon, I see the following when the zz_test workflow is triggered:

13:03:25.424 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO - Scheduling:zz_test
13:03:25.424 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO$ - JobNotificationObserver does not handle JobQueued(ScheduleBasedJob(R/2017-06-29T13:03:25.421Z/PT1S,zz_test,,0,0,,,,2,,,,,,0.1,256.0,128.0,false,0,ListBuffer(),ListBuffer(),false,root,Container(magneticio/vamp-workflow-agent:0.9.4,DOCKER,ListBuffer(),ListBuffer(),BRIDGE,None,ListBuffer(),false),,ListBuffer(EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_NAMESPACE,vamp), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT,4), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_KEY_VALUE_STORE_CONNECTION,zk-1.zk:2181), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_KEY_VALUE_STORE_PATH,/vamp/vamp/workflows/zz_test), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_PERIOD,0), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_ELASTICSEARCH_URL,http://elasticsearch.marathon.mesos:9200), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_KEY_VALUE_STORE_TYPE,zookeeper), EnvironmentVariable(VAMP_URL,,false,ListBuffer(),false,false,ListBuffer(),false),ct:1498741405424:0:zz_test:,0)
13:03:25.424 [pool-4-thread-1] INFO - Updating state for job (zz_test) to queued
olafmol commented 7 years ago

Ah probably the chronos integration is not working as expected then. Which explains the trigger log but not seeing anything in the events.

stuartleeks commented 7 years ago

Is there any more information that you need, or anything else that you want me to check?

olafmol commented 7 years ago

nope, i think we have all the info we need to reproduce and fix this

stuartleeks commented 7 years ago

Cool. lmk if you want a tester ;-)

stuartleeks commented 7 years ago

Also, is this something that might make it into the 0.9.5 release?

olafmol commented 7 years ago

Yes this seems to work as designed in 095. We will validate with all the usecases once more.

olafmol commented 7 years ago

closing this issue as the issue came from using a v095 related feature (VAMP_WORKFLOW_DATA) with V094

olafmol commented 7 years ago

re-opening this as it seems to be DCOS 190 and/or Chronos related. The workflow is entered in Chronos from Vamp 095, but seems to be never activated.