magnetophon / LazyLimiter

Do just enough, no more, no less. At the latest possible moment, of course!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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lv2 plugin, several un-labeled outputs #3

Open ssj71 opened 9 years ago

ssj71 commented 9 years ago

Hi magnetophon,

in trying the lv2 plugin version there are 8 ports that have no label. They seem to be outputs. What are they? 2015-08-28-120944_2880x1800_scrot

My first impression with this is that there are too many parameters. I know you are already thinking on this. I'll see if I can come up with some suggestions on how to simplify it. :) Thanks.

magnetophon commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reports! :)

The outputs are meters. In the jack version they have names, but faust2lv2 is a bit rough on the edges...

I would love suggestions on how to simplify the parameters. If you have any questions, hit me up!


ssj71 commented 8 years ago

so I've been thinking about this more, and I actually think that a good approach to reducing parameters would be to create a dozen or so presets. We could make a GUI that shows only the most likely to be changed parameters, but the detailed ones are still available if the user opens the host-generated dialog. Selecting different presets will set it in whatever "mode" the preset describes, then they can tune it from there to match their content and tempo etc. Anyway, not very specific, but I think this would help your limiter be much more useable. If you want to focus on doing this with the lv2 version (which IMO is the most likely to get used) then I could probably offer more advice and pitch in.

magnetophon commented 8 years ago

@ssj71 Thanks! I agree with your solution, and I'd love to implement it, but I'm pretty bad with C and C++. I looked at various tutorials on how to make an lv2 with gui, but haven't been able to work it out yet.

So any advice woud be more then welcome!