magnificode / WPMakeOutput

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PHP Version #14

Open ryanwelcher opened 6 years ago

ryanwelcher commented 6 years ago

Have we decided on a PHP version that we are targeting for this?

According to, 5.6 is leading but I'd say the majority of our projects are 7. Is this worth adding as a setup question in #1 and ask the user to choose from a preset list?

I don't want to over think this, but wanted to bring it up.

saltcod commented 6 years ago

That's a bigger question, but here's a related ticket:

tl;dr: It would be great if this could replace that generator all together. We'd lose some of the cool functionality the cli would provide, but gain in update-ability.

magnificode commented 6 years ago

My hope here is to have the CLI tool pull from a repo, rather than having Yeoman generate all the files/folders. That way, if one of the questions ends up being "Which PHP version would you like to use?" we can set up a different branch or something in the repo, that corresponds to the version the user selects.

That'll help to keep our boilerplate theme separate from the WP Make CLI tool, and give us the ability to maintain them separately, and likely more easily.

@lkwdwrd will likely have more insight here as well!