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Translator Tool: cant save, wrong version number, displays with brackets #137

Closed jusmasterq closed 7 years ago

jusmasterq commented 7 years ago

In the backend, under translations:

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-23 um 17 27 00

you click on the pen to add or edit a translation:

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-23 um 17 29 28

1st problem: the interface responds with a lot of delay, which makes typing very difficult, as there is very delayed feedback

2nd problem: you have to fill out all fields in order to be able to save the translation

3rd problem: when an actual translation is saved, then it is being displayed with brackets before and after the text, see below:

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-23 um 17 30 22

when you then search in the front-end for that offer in the language that has been added, it does not show up.

Operating system:

bildschirmfoto 2016-10-23 um 17 38 09

Chrome, Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit)