magnolo / newhere

Refugess should find their way around. New Here will help.
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Project Setup Documentation #190

Closed ScrambledRK closed 7 years ago

ScrambledRK commented 7 years ago


I am about to set up this project locally and am going to create a documentation about all necessary steps. If possible I'd like to provide scripts and/or platform agnostic tools. I've managed to install and run the required software so far and am able to run the server, yet when visiting the client side I end up with what looks to me like javascript dependency conflicts; more specifically angular js issues.

Since bower does not natively support "locking" dependencies and the current bower.json contains ambiguous and conflicting dependency versions I'd suggest using the bower-locker package and committing both, the locked and unlocked bower.json, to the repository.

I struggle to find the right combination of dependency versions and it would be wonderful if someone could commit their working locked-dependencies files; especially the one for bower.

committed package description files in total:

ScrambledRK commented 7 years ago

I managed to overcome the dependency conflicts and am able to start the server and visit the homepage successfully. I still encounter issues navigating the site (e.g. cannot see the map).

I forked the project and committed the *lock files as well as a a docker-compose.yml. The setup documentation can be found at the forks wiki.

ScrambledRK commented 7 years ago

updated both the forked project including adjustments to the docker server setup and initiation as well as the documentation providing additional information on how to debug the project. notable changes are including all but one database seed into the migration as well as using a custom docker image installing xdebug.

tasks todo still are debugging the database as well as figuring out what the issue with the left over database seed "OfferTableSeed" is.

ScrambledRK commented 7 years ago

OfferTableSeed was throwing errors because the mapzen service was not responding the expected json format (data missing and/or responding with an error json instead of the data); database debugging works just fine as one would expect.

all tasks done