Closed LaurentLesle closed 1 year ago
The following code would force the the resource group to be destroyed and recreated.
Proposed code with a fore_new attribute with list of the attributes that would force the resource to be recreated.
resource "restful_resource" "gw" { path = format("subscriptions/%s/resourceGroups/%s/providers/Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways/%s", var.subscription_id, "example", "var.gateway") create_mathod = "PUT" query = { api-version = ["2020-06-01"] } poll_delete = { status_locator = "code" status = { success = "404" pending = ["202", "200"] } } force_new = [ "name", "properties.isRoutingPreferenceInternet" ] body = jsonencode({ location = "westus" tags = { foo = "bar" } }) }
The following code would force the the resource group to be destroyed and recreated.
Proposed code with a fore_new attribute with list of the attributes that would force the resource to be recreated.