Open wormer opened 4 years ago
Have the same issue.
The same issue. Please, add some example with gasp tweens.
Hi all
I am using gsap tweens this way:
import VueScrollmagic from 'vue-scrollmagic';
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.use(VueScrollmagic, {
verical: true,
globalSceneOptions: {},
loglevel: 2,
refreshInterval: 0
// hero fade to black
const scene1 = this.$scrollmagic.scene({
triggerElement: '#trigger-1',
triggerHook: 0, //wanneer het start in te scrollen
duration: 220
.setTween('.section-1', {
opacity: "0",
y: "-3%"
name: '1'
hope it can help!
@aaronLejeune thanks, but...
// hero fade to black const scene1 = this.$scrollmagic.scene({ triggerElement: '#trigger-1', triggerHook: 0, //wanneer het start in te scrollen duration: 220 }) .setTween('.section-1', { opacity: "0", y: "-3%" }) .addIndicators({ name: '1' });
This is not what I need. It animates from the current state to the new state defined in setTween()
I need to animate from the new defined state to the current state. That's why I use gsap.from()
It can be done in scrollmagic but not in vue-scrollmagic.
Did some debugging and found where the error happens. It does not apply to any of these if. The type of value is object
. Not sure how to fix this, maybe another if for Object types
if (value instanceof Array || (value && value.push && _isArray(value))) {
align = align || 'normal'
stagger = stagger || 0
curTime = position
l = value.length
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (_isArray((child = value[i]))) {
child = new TimelineLite({ tweens: child })
self.add(child, curTime)
if (typeof child !== 'string' && typeof child !== 'function') {
if (align === 'sequence') {
curTime = child._startTime + child.totalDuration() / child._timeScale
} else if (align === 'start') {
child._startTime -= child.delay()
curTime += stagger
return self._uncache(true)
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
return self.addLabel(value, position)
} else if (typeof value === 'function') {
value = TweenLite.delayedCall(0, value)
} else {
throw (
'Cannot add ' +
value +
' into the timeline; it is not a tween, timeline, function, or string.'
Found a workaround that uses the on('enter',...)-Event to start the animation. The timeline has to be paused for this to work, otherwise the animation start on page loaded.
const tl = this.$gsap.timeline({ paused: true })
tl.from('#yourElement', {
left: 100,
const scene = this.$scrollmagic
triggerElement: '#yourTriggerElement',
.on('enter', function (event) {
// Add Scene to controller
// Attaching scrollmagic controller to element
same issue, any fix?
You no longer need to import TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite, or TimelineMax. Just import gsap like this: import { gsap } from gsap this worked for me
when my gsap is latest version, this are the same error .I find 'vue-scrollmagic' package.json ---"gsap": "^2.1.3", so I install this version and this error disappeared
You guys can use the CDN of scrollmagic/gsap, it works well for me without any npm library.
Here is how I add vue-scrollmagic
Here is how I use it:
I get
not a valid TweenObject
error in the console:What am I doing wrong?