magr0s / vue-scrollmagic

Vue.js plugin
MIT License
72 stars 24 forks source link

Documentation #7

Closed Prendki closed 5 years ago

Prendki commented 5 years ago


It's pretty nice package.


You added a weak example to the documentation IMO. The most often cases are operations on a Scene. I deal with it because I know ScrollMagic, but if someone started the adventure with your package, he would have a small problem.


mounted() {
            //Declare Scene
            let scene = this.$scrollmagic.scene({
                //ID of element where animation starts
                triggerElement: "#trigger2",
                //{0,0.5,1} - animations starts from {top,center,end} of window
                //Duration of animation
                duration: 300})
                //Declaration of animation and attaching to element
                .setTween("#animate2", {borderTop: "30px solid white", backgroundColor: "blue", scale: 0.7}) // the tween durtion can be omitted and defaults to 1
                // Helpful tags for orientation on the screen
                .addIndicators({name: "2 (duration: 300)"})
            //Add Scene to controller