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1684. Count the Number of Consistent Strings #531

Closed mah-shamim closed 5 days ago

mah-shamim commented 5 days ago

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Originally posted by **mah-shamim** September 12, 2024 **Topics:** `Array`, `Hash Table`, `String`, `Bit Manipulation`, `Counting` You are given a string `allowed` consisting of distinct characters and an array of strings `words`. A string is **consistent** if all characters in the string appear in the string `allowed`. Return _the number of **consistent** strings in the array `words`_. **Example 1:** - **Input:** allowed = "ab", words = ["ad","bd","aaab","baa","badab"] - **Output:** 2 - **Explanation:** Strings "aaab" and "baa" are consistent since they only contain characters 'a' and 'b'. **Example 2:** - **Input:** allowed = "abc", words = ["a","b","c","ab","ac","bc","abc"] - **Output:** 7 - **Explanation:** All strings are consistent. **Example 3:** - **Input:** allowed = "cad", words = ["cc","acd","b","ba","bac","bad","ac","d"] - **Output:** 4 - **Explanation:** Strings "cc", "acd", "ac", and "d" are consistent. **Constraints:** - 1 <= words.length <= 104 - 1 <= allowed.length <= 26 - 1 <= words[i].length <= 10 - The characters in `allowed` are **distinct**. - `words[i]` and `allowed` contain only lowercase English letters. **Hint:** 1. A string is incorrect if it contains a character that is not allowed 2. Constraints are small enough for brute force
mah-shamim commented 5 days ago

The idea is to check if each word in the words array is consistent with the characters in the allowed string. A word is consistent if all its characters are present in the allowed string.


  1. Allowed Characters Set:

    • We can convert the allowed string into a set of characters to efficiently check if each character in the word exists in the set.
  2. Word Consistency Check:

    • For each word in the words array, check if all its characters exist in the allowed set.
  3. Count Consistent Words:

    • Initialize a counter. For each word that is consistent, increment the counter.
  4. Return the Count:

    • Once all words are processed, return the count of consistent words.

Let's implement this solution in PHP: 1684. Count the Number of Consistent Strings

 * @param String $allowed
 * @param String[] $words
 * @return Integer
function countConsistentStrings($allowed, $words) {
    // Step 1: Create a set (array) for allowed characters
    $allowedSet = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($allowed); $i++) {
        $allowedSet[$allowed[$i]] = true;

    // Step 2: Initialize counter for consistent strings
    $consistentCount = 0;

    // Step 3: Check each word in words array
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        $isConsistent = true;
        for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($word); $j++) {
            // If the character is not in the allowed set, mark the word as inconsistent
            if (!isset($allowedSet[$word[$j]])) {
                $isConsistent = false;
        // Step 4: If the word is consistent, increment the counter
        if ($isConsistent) {

    // Step 5: Return the count of consistent strings
    return $consistentCount;

// Example usage:

// Example 1:
$allowed = "ab";
$words = ["ad", "bd", "aaab", "baa", "badab"];
echo countConsistentStrings($allowed, $words); // Output: 2

// Example 2:
$allowed = "abc";
$words = ["a","b","c","ab","ac","bc","abc"];
echo countConsistentStrings($allowed, $words); // Output: 7

// Example 3:
$allowed = "cad";
$words =  ["cc","acd","b","ba","bac","bad","ac","d"];
echo countConsistentStrings($allowed, $words); // Output: 4


  1. Allowed Set:

    • We create an associative array $allowedSet where each key is a character from the allowed string. This allows for fast lookups.
  2. Word Consistency:

    • For each word in the words array, we loop through its characters and check if they are in $allowedSet. If we find any character that isn't in the set, the word is marked as inconsistent, and we move on to the next word.
  3. Counting:

    • Every time we find a consistent word, we increment the counter $consistentCount.
  4. Return the Result:

    • After processing all words, the counter holds the number of consistent strings, which we return.

Time Complexity:

Example Walkthrough:

For the input:

$allowed = "ab";
$words = ["ad", "bd", "aaab", "baa", "badab"];

Thus, the function returns 2.

Constraints Handling: