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3043. Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix #606

Closed mah-shamim closed 2 hours ago

mah-shamim commented 2 hours ago

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Originally posted by **mah-shamim** September 24, 2024 **Topics:** `Array`, `Hash Table`, `String`, `Trie` You are given two arrays with **positive** integers `arr1` and `arr2`. A **prefix** of a positive integer is an integer formed by one or more of its digits, starting from its **leftmost** digit. For example, `123` is a prefix of the integer `12345`, while `234` is **not**. A **common prefix** of two integers `a` and `b` is an integer `c`, such that `c` is a prefix of both `a` and `b`. For example, `5655359` and `56554` have a common prefix `565` while `1223` and `43456` **do not** have a common prefix. You need to find the length of the **longest common prefix** between all pairs of integers `(x, y)` such that `x` belongs to `arr1` and `y` belongs to `arr2`. Return _the length of the **longest** common prefix among all pairs. If no common prefix exists among them, return `0`_. **Example 1:** - **Input:** arr1 = [1,10,100], arr2 = [1000] - **Output:** 3 - **Explanation:** There are 3 pairs (arr1[i], arr2[j]): - The longest common prefix of (1, 1000) is 1. - The longest common prefix of (10, 1000) is 10. - The longest common prefix of (100, 1000) is 100.\ The longest common prefix is 100 with a length of 3. **Example 2:** - **Input:** arr1 = [1,2,3], arr2 = [4,4,4] - **Output:** 4 - **Explanation:** There exists no common prefix for any pair (arr1[i], arr2[j]), hence we return 0.\ Note that common prefixes between elements of the same array do not count. **Constraints:** - 1 <= arr1.length, arr2.length <= 5 * 104 - 1 <= arr1[i], arr2[i] <= 108 **Hint:** 1. Put all the possible prefixes of each element in `arr1` into a HashSet. 2. For all the possible prefixes of each element in `arr2`, check if it exists in the HashSet.
mah-shamim commented 2 hours ago

We can utilize a HashSet to store the prefixes from one array and then check for those prefixes in the second array.


  1. Generate Prefixes: For each number in arr1 and arr2, generate all possible prefixes. A prefix is formed by one or more digits starting from the leftmost digit.

  2. Store Prefixes of arr1 in a Set: Using a HashSet to store all prefixes of numbers in arr1 ensures fast lookups when checking prefixes from arr2.

  3. Find Longest Common Prefix: For each number in arr2, generate its prefixes and check if any of these prefixes exist in the HashSet from step 2. Track the longest prefix found.

  4. Return the Length of the Longest Common Prefix: If a common prefix is found, return its length; otherwise, return 0.

Let's implement this solution in PHP: 3043. Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix

function longestCommonPrefix($arr1, $arr2) {
    $prefixSet = [];

    // Step 1: Generate all prefixes for elements in arr1 and store them in a HashSet
    foreach ($arr1 as $num) {
        $str = (string)$num; // Convert to string to extract prefixes
        for ($i = 1; $i <= strlen($str); $i++) {
            $prefixSet[substr($str, 0, $i)] = true; // Store the prefix in the HashSet

    $maxLength = 0;

    // Step 2: Check prefixes of elements in arr2 against the HashSet
    foreach ($arr2 as $num) {
        $str = (string)$num; // Convert to string to extract prefixes
        for ($i = 1; $i <= strlen($str); $i++) {
            $prefix = substr($str, 0, $i); // Get the current prefix
            if (isset($prefixSet[$prefix])) {
                // If the prefix exists in arr1, update the maxLength
                $maxLength = max($maxLength, strlen($prefix));

    return $maxLength; // Return the length of the longest common prefix

// Example usage:
$arr1 = [1, 10, 100];
$arr2 = [1000];
echo longestCommonPrefix($arr1, $arr2); // Output: 3

$arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
$arr2 = [4, 4, 4];
echo longestCommonPrefix($arr1, $arr2); // Output: 0


  1. HashSet Creation:

    • We first create an associative array $prefixSet to hold all possible prefixes of numbers in arr1.
    • We iterate through each number in arr1, convert it to a string, and extract all its prefixes using the substr function. Each prefix is stored in the $prefixSet.
  2. Prefix Checking:

    • Next, we loop through each number in arr2, converting it to a string as well.
    • For each number in arr2, we again extract all possible prefixes.
    • If a prefix exists in $prefixSet, we check if its length is greater than the current maximum length found ($maxLength).
  3. Return the Result:

    • Finally, we return the length of the longest common prefix found.


This solution is efficient and works well within the provided constraints.