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After cloning the project, unable to run it on local server. #29

Closed SANKARAMDAS closed 2 years ago

SANKARAMDAS commented 2 years ago

Hi there, after cloning the project unable to run it on local server. Can you please check it from your side and add the running process for the local server after cloning. 2022-05-15 (14)

mah51 commented 2 years ago

Hi @SANKARAMDAS, I will not be able to have a look at this until tomorrow. You could try upgrading both packages to the latest in package.json. If that doesn't work ill get back to you in a bit

SANKARAMDAS commented 2 years ago

Hi @mah51, as per your instruction, I tried to upgrade the dependencies but no luck.

SANKARAMDAS commented 2 years ago

Hi @mah51, I solved the issue I'm facing during installation process. So you don't need to check your code for issues. Cheers to you for this wonderful project.

mah51 commented 2 years ago

Great! sorry I couldnt help sooner. If you don't mind please can you write what you did to solve it incase anyone else has the same problem. Thanks!

SANKARAMDAS commented 2 years ago

Why not.
Before running the project on local mechine, I upgrade my npm, then In the project update "next-plausible" package. And it's done.