mahaichuan / Versatile-Image-Compression

Lossy compression; Variable rate compresson; Lossless compression;
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RD plots and Pytorch code #4

Open anmyr opened 2 years ago

anmyr commented 2 years ago

Hey, thank you for providing the code in this repository. I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions:

  1. Did you generate the RD curves for "lossy multi-model iWave++" (e.g. in Fig. 10 on p.9) using the script ""?
  2. In another issue, you mentioned that you will soon release a Pytorch version of the code including the training script. Do you already know when you are going to release the code? I tried writing tensorflow v1 training code, as I'm working on a model that is partially based on your work. But I'm having trouble reproducing your results. Therefore, your Pytorch training code would be really helpful for checking if there's an issue regarding, e.g., unknown hyper-parameters.
mahaichuan commented 1 year ago

The pytorch implementation has been released. You can find its link in the ReadMe file.