maharanasarkar / whatsapp-connector-rasa

A custom channel connector to connect WhatsApp API to Rasa
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 6 forks source link

RasaException: Failed to find input channel class for 'whatsapp'. #13

Open revonsio opened 1 month ago

revonsio commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone! I know this topic has been discussed twice on this repository. I have followed the related steps on those issues but I find it different. Someone said that I have to move the file to rasa/core/channels and also add 'whatsapp' class into rasa/core/channel/ The problem is I cannot find the specific folder related to that. Any help is welcome because I have to finish it for my final year project, thanks all :)

Matilii commented 1 month ago

@revonsio You can just create a folder called connectors and put the file in there. Then in your you say: connectors.whatsapp.WhatsAppInput: auth_token: <auth_token> phone_number_id: <phone_number_id> verify_token: <verify_token> Thats whats worked for me.

Let me know if it does for you.

Good luck :)