mahendrabairagi / AWS_ML_At_Edge_With_NVIDIA_Jetson_Nano

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AWS IOT Services Greengrass #2

Open PythonImageDeveloper opened 4 years ago

PythonImageDeveloper commented 4 years ago

Hey Mahendra, I have a some question about AWS IOT Services.

Q1- I don't understand this : "setup AWS IOT Greengrass on Jetson Nano" That means we can setupt AWS IOT Services Greengrass platform on my local jetson nano or AWS's cloud jetson nano? What's advantage/advantage of AWS IOT Services Greengrass than local Jetson Nano on product?

Q2- In the AI startups, in your opinion, The best options the process of product does on local hardware such as Nvidia GPUs/Jetsons or cloud services such as AWS? why?

Q3 - In the AI startups, in your opinion, The best options for training the models is using local GPUs or cload GPUs such as AWS? why?