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Upcoming Events Bet365 #7

Open incapdns opened 5 years ago

incapdns commented 5 years ago

The live events I was able to capture all through WebSocket: wss: //, and the pstk cookie

But I am in doubt, which url contains the future games, that is, on a specific date. I am currently using:, but at this URL does not contain the name of the league.

Can someone help me?

mahendrakalkura commented 5 years ago

Future games are not published via WebSocket. Your only option is to screen-scrape.

incapdns commented 5 years ago

Got it, I started using Puppeteer to do this, thanks for the tip. I would like to know if there is any way to call new instances of: "new WebSocket" in NodeJS, without the socket status being "CONNECTING", since every time I call 1 new WebSocket (ws) instance of NodeJS, when opening: "ws.on ('open')", I use the code: ws.send ('...'), and if the first ws.send is not finalized the second ws.send is returned as null (connecting)

Example [Code]:

const ws = new WebSocket('wss://', ['zap-protocol-v1'], {
     'origin': '',
     'headers': {
         'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions': 'permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits'
ws.on('open', function open() {

When I run this code in 1 loop, or in a range of 1000 milliseconds (1s) or less, I get some error regarding: "websocket is not open readystate 0 (connecting)".

My question: When calling: "new WebSocket", why am I getting this error in NodeJS? after the "opened" event, (client side) is fired, and send (ws.send).

I'm sorry for my bad english

incapdns commented 5 years ago

After reviewing I was able to solve this problem above. I would like to ask you about the identification of Football sports. Example: ;|EV;AU=0;BI=0;C1=1;C2=41102787;C3=79700032;CB=;CP=;CT=Colômbia - Primera A;DC=1;ES=;ET=0;FB=0;FF=;FS=1;ID=79499920C1A_33_0;IT=OV79499920C1A_33_0;LM=47;MD=1;MO=0;MP=0;MS=0;NA=Independiente Santa Fe v Once Caldas;OF=01100;OR=0;PE=;SB=0;SD=0;SE=0;SS=0-1;SV=1;T1=5;T2=2;T3=3;TD=0;TF=0;TM=45;TS=18;TT=1;TU=20190325020555;UC=;VI=0;VS=;|

What does in this code identify as "Soccer"?

incapdns commented 5 years ago

I would like to let you know that I have been able to solve the above problem: ID = 79499920C1A, Soccer ID is 1 | C ID A, this is the formula. But another question came to me:

How do I get the future games? Through the mobile and the official website (bet365), there is no specific filter to get matches per date.

How can some websites get the Bet365 games at a future date? With their respective leagues. in the format: { timestamp: 'date ...', home: 'name', away: 'name' league: 'name' }

mahendrakalkura commented 5 years ago

I am sorry. I can't help with NodeJS.

incapdns commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for my bad english. I actually managed to solve the NodeJS problem, but I need to know how to capture matches on a specific date. Because on the Bet365 website there is no "filter by date" option. Currently i'm openening link per link and capturing the screen, that take about 30 Seconds between 1 Minutes, is there a faster solution without needing to store in the database?

mahendrakalkura commented 5 years ago

Once again, screen scraping is your only option. This library does not have any features which will help you with it.

canabatz commented 5 years ago

Hi incapdns

can you share your working code for b365 that can fetch live games? thanks

incapdns commented 5 years ago

Sure, but is NodeJS, do you need it in what language?

canabatz commented 5 years ago

i think it will be fine in any language :)

canabatz commented 5 years ago

Sure, but is NodeJS, do you need it in what language?

Thanks alllottt :)

incapdns commented 5 years ago

canabatz commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for my bad english. I actually managed to solve the NodeJS problem, but I need to know how to capture matches on a specific date. Because on the Bet365 website there is no "filter by date" option. Currently i'm openening link per link and capturing the screen, that take about 30 Seconds between 1 Minutes, is there a faster solution without needing to store in the database?

Screenshot (1)

canabatz commented 5 years ago

if someone need an explenasion about each parameter on bet365, enjoy.

bet365 fields.xlsx

p9s commented 5 years ago

hi all, how to get live stream video?
Is it passable?

abruski commented 5 years ago

Can you please reupload the file?

xardit commented 4 years ago

@incapdns can you reupload?

jandromani commented 4 years ago

Hello, what do you want this development for? Is it to try to be the first in betting odds? The best thing you can do is try to scrape through the bet365 search engine, and notify it to your mail in some way, in this way you will always access the betting odds in the OTB (off the table) state and you will only have to wait as A lion to eat.

contact with me throught telegram @earthquakealert i think we will be able of reaching this goal

spikeruk commented 4 years ago

Seems strange this. Can't even load the homepage with selenium, just get a gray screen (Don't think its connecting to the socket using Selenium Chrome browser)

mchdouglas commented 2 years ago

@incapdns can you share your working code for b365 that can fetch live games? thanks

legendbr94 commented 1 year ago

@incapdns você pode compartilhar seu código de trabalho para b365 que pode buscar jogos ao vivo? obrigado