mahlenmorris / VCVRack

Set of modules for use with VCV Rack 2.0
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TTY different colors for V1 and V2 #36

Open firolightfog opened 6 months ago

firolightfog commented 6 months ago

Maybe cable dependent colors?

mahlenmorris commented 4 months ago

There is a menu option to label the lines by input name, but different colors would be much easier to read. Getting the underlying text engine to render in multiple colors is...hmmm, I'll need to look.

mahlenmorris commented 3 months ago

I think this is a great idea.

I've already done a lot of hacking (and some improvements) to the text display code that I lifted from VCV Notes. I am worried that doing this work to change colors as the screen is drawn every single frame will bump up the effort expended by the UI thread (it doesn't help that it's non-trivial to actually measure the UI-thread CPU time), so I'm asking myself to get FrameBuffer to work on the text window before doing line-by-line coloring. I tried once before and could not get it to work, but I know more now. I hope.

I think it's doable on a line-by-line basis like this! My long-held dream of doing syntax highlighting on BASICally may...have to wait, though :)

mahlenmorris commented 1 month ago

I've now gotten FrameBuffer to work with TTY; that went live in 2.0.16. Now I'm pondering how to store the line-color info on a line-by-line basis without having to maintain two different representations of the text; I'm thinking I no choice but to do so. But I still like the idea. I'd also love to make a colored text representation that could eventually support syntax highlighting for BASICally, but it's not work I eagerly anticipate.

Honestly, I think editors are just annoying to work on, or at least this one, which I cloned from VCV NOTES and then modified a lot, is.

So, I haven't given up on this yet.