Closed weitinging closed 1 year ago
Hi @weitinging - can you check that you loaded the model weights correctly?
Thank you for your suggestion! The model weights didn't load correctly. Thank you!
The correct out
tensor([[ 0.8896, -2.1130, 0.4011, 1.9388, 2.2679, -0.2919, -2.8318, 3.3083,
-2.5549, -1.0718, 2.4532, 0.3009, -2.7087, 1.0475, 0.4862, -0.9086,
-0.6283, -1.4109, -1.7757, -0.4216, -2.2767, -0.0307, 3.0037, -0.7022,
-2.2229, -2.5973, 4.2466, -2.3519, 1.0857, -0.5460, -2.3129, 2.3446,
-3.0198, -2.6937, 1.9349, -0.4484, 0.0817, -0.6997, -0.2162, -0.9967,
2.8000, -5.1581, 2.1064, -0.2916, 1.1988, 0.3805, 4.4717, 4.1056,
0.2514, -1.3006, -4.8284, -0.1595, 1.9322, 1.7319, -6.2168, -3.1303,
-2.8676, 3.3709, 0.2881, -2.3995, 2.5332, 1.3674, -0.2954, -0.7680,
2.0302, 1.5359, 1.7415, 3.3354, 2.2949, 1.5521, -0.8878, -1.7468,
-2.7638, -2.0117, -0.6663, -3.2415, -0.0986, -0.0882, 2.2837, 4.6560,
-0.2273, 1.5000, 6.0354, 2.5131, -0.9898, -4.1885, -2.4678, 0.2505,
-1.7514, 0.2658, 1.1252, -3.6720, -1.4542, -3.0706, -0.1247, 2.9184,
3.1167, 2.7436, -5.0488, -0.0320, -0.1860, -0.1426, 0.3627, 0.0395,
-0.6932, 0.4822, 1.9542, -1.8605, 1.4506, 1.4573, 1.0065, 1.4675,
2.7202, 3.6223, 0.3807, 0.4021, -3.9630, 0.0964, -1.6146, -1.2587,
-1.3076, 1.1944, -1.5511, 4.7308, -0.0444, 4.8179, 2.0997, 1.1377,
1.3265, 0.2599, 2.8389, -4.3338, 4.6401, 1.6044, 2.7752, 2.9454,
-1.8182, -2.2276, -1.6382, -1.5304, 2.0726, -0.6284, 0.8725, -4.1951,
1.2878, -0.0490, -1.1738, 0.3888, 1.4261, 1.8519, 3.9931, 1.1734,
-2.4811, 0.5972, -3.3668, -0.0365, -2.2376, 3.1537, 3.0984, 2.0863,
-1.1236, -0.7329, -0.9192, -3.4123, -1.0592, -1.0717, -2.1983, -3.0891,
-0.2500, -3.1052, -0.3217, -0.0544, 6.5555, 3.3587, -2.7746, -2.2714,
2.2318, -2.9227, 2.5831, -4.2082, 2.9219, -0.4439, -2.7881, 0.6900,
-0.7225, -3.2197, 0.5538, -0.5984, 0.9696, -2.2826, -0.3154, 2.4052]],
And I noticed that there is some extra information after running the demo. Is this normal?
Take key teacher in provided checkpoint dict
Pretrained weights found at /home/xx/HIPT/HIPT_4K/Checkpoints/vit256_small_dino.pth and loaded with msg: _IncompatibleKeys(missing_keys=[], unexpected_keys=['head.mlp.0.weight', 'head.mlp.0.bias', 'head.mlp.2.weight', 'head.mlp.2.bias', 'head.mlp.4.weight', 'head.mlp.4.bias', 'head.last_layer.weight_g', 'head.last_layer.weight_v'])
# of Patches: 196
Take key teacher in provided checkpoint dict
Pretrained weights found at /home/xx/HIPT/HIPT_4K/Checkpoints/vit4k_xs_dino.pth and loaded with msg: _IncompatibleKeys(missing_keys=[], unexpected_keys=['head.mlp.0.weight', 'head.mlp.0.bias', 'head.mlp.2.weight', 'head.mlp.2.bias', 'head.mlp.4.weight', 'head.mlp.4.bias', 'head.last_layer.weight_g', 'head.last_layer.weight_v'])
@Richarizardd @weitinging Looking forward to your reply!🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hi @Qing1Zhong - confirming that this is the answer!
Regarding the extra information - yes this is normal. These heads correspond with the weights for the head (FC layers) used in DINO, and can be safely ignored for feature extraction.
Thank you sooooo much for your prompt and detailed response!!! @Richarizardd I believe your project holds significant value for the advancement of this field, and it has provided me with numerous opportunities to learn and deepen my understanding of the related technologies. I will continue to follow your project and look forward to your future breakthroughs. ☺☺☺
I've had a lot of issues with getting the feature extractor working perfectly, and most of the time I didn't realise it wasn't working. I think it is worth having a very basic file that runs this test and checks the output matches the expected output (I will try to get round to making this a pull request after MICCAI)
I am working across two computers, on one I get the exact same "out" tensor as is listed here, on another device I get a very slightly different version. Any idea whats going on? I've tried re-downloading the checkpoints so it shouldn't be an error there.
out: tensor([[ 0.8901, -2.1130, 0.4010, 1.9391, 2.2683, -0.2924, -2.8322, 3.3090, -2.5551, -1.0719, 2.4530, 0.3001, -2.7085, 1.0476, 0.4853, -0.9078, -0.6284, -1.4104, -1.7757, -0.4216, -2.2769, -0.0306, 3.0028, -0.7019, -2.2226, -2.5967, 4.2470, -2.3519, 1.0854, -0.5461, -2.3131, 2.3450, -3.0195, -2.6944, 1.9347, -0.4483, 0.0819, -0.6999, -0.2159, -0.9963, 2.7993, -5.1584, 2.1064, -0.2914, 1.1986, 0.3800, 4.4713, 4.1057, 0.2512, -1.3006, -4.8280, -0.1597, 1.9322, 1.7321, -6.2177, -3.1316, -2.8671, 3.3699, 0.2884, -2.3999, 2.5323, 1.3677, -0.2951, -0.7687, 2.0298, 1.5351, 1.7419, 3.3338, 2.2950, 1.5514, -0.8879, -1.7470, -2.7638, -2.0114, -0.6670, -3.2429, -0.0984, -0.0868, 2.2835, 4.6557, -0.2279, 1.5002, 6.0360, 2.5131, -0.9906, -4.1887, -2.4668, 0.2492, -1.7504, 0.2661, 1.1259, -3.6726, -1.4538, -3.0711, -0.1249, 2.9185, 3.1158, 2.7438, -5.0496, -0.0321, -0.1857, -0.1431, 0.3632, 0.0397, -0.6929, 0.4820, 1.9547, -1.8596, 1.4506, 1.4571, 1.0061, 1.4691, 2.7191, 3.6235, 0.3801, 0.4017, -3.9636, 0.0968, -1.6141, -1.2581, -1.3062, 1.1943, -1.5505, 4.7309, -0.0438, 4.8188, 2.0999, 1.1389, 1.3273, 0.2594, 2.8391, -4.3342, 4.6405, 1.6041, 2.7758, 2.9466, -1.8180, -2.2278, -1.6380, -1.5310, 2.0725, -0.6281, 0.8723, -4.1952, 1.2864, -0.0483, -1.1732, 0.3888, 1.4260, 1.8522, 3.9937, 1.1726, -2.4812, 0.5963, -3.3662, -0.0369, -2.2383, 3.1534, 3.0978, 2.0859, -1.1231, -0.7329, -0.9191, -3.4114, -1.0590, -1.0714, -2.1985, -3.0889, -0.2495, -3.1038, -0.3221, -0.0546, 6.5553, 3.3586, -2.7741, -2.2713, 2.2310, -2.9220, 2.5824, -4.2078, 2.9219, -0.4442, -2.7880, 0.6890, -0.7224, -3.2200, 0.5538, -0.5983, 0.9700, -2.2821, -0.3150, 2.4059]], device='cuda:0')
When I run the demo of "Using the HIPT_4K API" two times, I got two differnet results. This means that the features of the same picture (IPT_4K/image_demo/image_4k.png) are different. Why did this happen? The out of the first run: tensor([[ 1.0272, -1.9435, 0.6787, -2.0988, -0.8154, 0.5248, 0.8696, -0.8446, 0.1395, 0.8047, 0.1398, -0.4195, 0.3957, -1.2475, 0.1240, 0.3093, 0.2297, -0.4640, -0.1228, 0.2283, 1.4605, -0.2860, 1.0855, -0.9648, 0.6011, -0.1053, -0.5265, -0.1709, -0.2928, 0.1758, 0.4308, -1.6282, 0.4507, 0.5317, 0.7081, 1.9234, 1.6555, -1.7919, 0.6333, 1.1621, -0.5198, 0.5400, 0.2892, 0.5696, 1.5454, 0.0902, 1.2077, 0.7093, 0.4484, -1.6740, 0.2767, 1.5463, -0.5062, -1.4946, -0.4388, -1.3272, -1.6025, -1.4270, -0.2920, -0.9610, -0.1785, -1.0690, -0.0909, 1.1373, 2.3152, 0.0128, -0.2553, -0.7900, 0.1847, -1.6724, 0.2292, -0.2205, 1.6045, 1.1768, -0.9727, 0.0040, 0.8964, -0.6493, -0.9621, 0.6649, -2.0764, 0.0941, 0.1114, 0.0874, 1.5188, -0.5708, -0.5191, 0.6575, -0.7133, 1.2263, 0.1106, -0.0203, -0.0630, 0.9492, 1.0342, 0.9832, -0.6675, -1.9364, 0.8946, -0.7704, -0.7437, 1.0926, 1.2189, 2.8511, -0.2247, 2.0800, -0.8410, -1.7034, 1.8220, -1.0245, -0.6447, 0.0150, 0.1905, 0.8309, -0.0789, -0.5855, 0.3611, -0.4197, -1.1567, 1.6380, 1.0924, 0.8179, 0.2739, 0.3366, 1.8718, -1.4705, -0.1677, 0.0622, 0.3796, -0.3879, 0.0889, -0.7625, -1.5185, -0.3900, 0.0644, -0.8013, 0.7280, -2.2695, -0.2772, -0.1249, -0.7562, 0.1551, 1.2951, 1.4519, -0.2379, 0.0507, 0.0469, 0.9950, -0.7161, -0.5830, -0.0865, 0.1499, 1.6882, -1.0193, -0.1839, 2.0649, 1.1826, -1.4405, -0.3786, -0.3022, -0.0145, -0.1275, 1.5060, 0.0552, -0.9059, -0.4446, 0.5374, -0.7501, -1.3557, 0.9116, -1.3676, 1.0581, -0.7810, -0.4877, 0.7617, 0.0312, -1.3845, 0.1594, -0.9211, 0.4436, 0.5221, 0.1048, -0.0579, 1.9291, -0.3553, -1.7979, 0.2487, 0.8929, -2.7074, -1.5217, 0.0345, -1.0574]], device='cuda:0') The out of the second run: tensor([[-0.8617, 1.2333, -0.3320, 0.1566, 0.3043, -0.1035, -1.7042, -1.0360, 0.0841, 1.2058, 0.6106, 0.5801, -1.1089, -0.1767, 0.7558, 0.8873, -0.5098, -0.6752, -0.3064, 0.1744, 1.3652, -1.3844, -0.5107, 1.0535, -1.5274, 0.8271, 0.7165, -0.6407, 0.5759, 0.6355, -1.1873, 0.4897, 1.3801, -0.2763, -0.4875, -1.4082, 1.1015, 0.9396, 1.0487, -0.0815, 1.0360, 2.4232, 0.5266, 1.2903, 0.9402, -0.9511, 0.4216, -1.0932, 1.1696, 1.1283, -0.5590, 0.5287, -1.1801, -0.2546, 0.0378, -0.2582, -1.7058, -1.7925, 2.3835, -0.2244, -0.7829, -0.5465, 1.1077, -0.7507, 0.9361, 0.2205, 0.1639, 0.4639, 0.1691, -0.1604, 1.3497, -0.8076, 0.6755, 0.1011, -1.6349, -0.0602, -0.9681, 1.3290, 0.4226, 0.7562, -1.4071, -0.7310, -1.1855, 2.0997, 1.2576, -1.2203, 0.0806, 0.0747, 0.5141, -0.6748, 1.0230, 0.0330, -0.0424, 0.2749, 0.9671, 0.6085, 0.2992, -1.6514, -0.7195, 2.0988, -1.3269, 1.8263, -0.3118, -0.4210, -1.1496, -0.3970, -0.4480, 1.5925, 1.1100, -0.5222, 0.9687, -1.2781, -1.3437, -1.2233, 1.8803, -0.6620, -0.3003, -0.5592, -0.8920, -0.5249, -1.0030, -1.0557, -0.3928, 0.4380, 2.4794, 1.7709, 1.7506, -0.9539, 0.7304, -1.2020, -0.1607, -0.6108, -0.5856, 0.6002, -0.5986, -1.9799, 0.9542, -0.9195, 2.3000, 0.7303, 0.1312, -2.5691, 0.4511, -1.2753, -0.3263, 0.4889, 0.4481, -2.3728, 1.1700, -0.4633, 0.5822, -0.1131, -1.8267, 0.3590, 1.0784, -0.5423, -0.7253, 0.4574, -0.0575, 1.4478, -0.1208, -0.4602, -1.0904, -0.8529, -1.7636, 0.9147, -0.1743, 0.8406, 0.6429, 0.9972, 0.5170, 1.1177, 0.3966, -1.3500, -0.4085, -0.0680, 0.2702, -1.0105, -0.2218, -0.3109, 0.2562, -1.3499, -0.5872, 0.5333, -0.8533, -0.0155, 0.2798, 0.9288, -1.2377, -0.1704, 0.7664, -0.4247]], device='cuda:0')