mahmoodlab / UNI

Towards a general-purpose foundation model for computational pathology - Nature Medicine
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Some questions about experimental hyperparameters #47

Open DaIGaN2019 opened 1 week ago

DaIGaN2019 commented 1 week ago

Hello author, thank you for sharing such wonderful code. I couldn't find some parameter settings for the experiment in the paper (including supporting materials). Can you share more hyperparameter settings? Framework: iBOT arch:Vit-B/16 Unknown parameter: Are both -- out_im and -- patch_out_im equal to 8192?

  1. Is norm_in'head set to None?
  2. Are both -- warmup_tacher_patch_temp and -- warmup_tacher_temp equal to 0.04?
  3. Are both -- teacher_ctch_temp and -- teacher_temp equal to 0.4?

And, may I ask if there is a situation where LOSS is Nan or if LOSS first decreases and then increases when conducting relevant experiments? The epoch you set during training is 80. Is the final training result used as the test model? Or choose a model saved in a certain epoch?

Thank you again for sharing! We look forward to your reply!

Richarizardd commented 5 days ago

Hi @DaIGaN2019 - For the iBOT ViT-B/16 comparison, we used the default hyper-parameters here, so:

  1. --out_im and patch_out_im equal to 8192
  2. norm_in_head equal to None
  3. --warmup_teacher_patch_temp and --warmup_teacher_temp equal to 0.04
  4. --teacher_patch_temp and --teacher_temp equal to 0.07

Yes, the loss should decrease, and then spike up after `freeze_last_layer==3' epochs. The model is trained for 80 epochs of IN-22K training (translated into iterations), and we evaluate on the final model.

DaIGaN2019 commented 5 days ago

Thank you for your answer! It is of great help to me!!! Thank you again for your wonderful work.