mahmoud / awesome-python-applications

💿 Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
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Added Algojammer editor in the list #138

Closed ikhedr closed 4 years ago

ikhedr commented 4 years ago

Algojammer is an experimental, proof-of-concept code editor for writing algorithms in Python. It was mainly written to assist with solving the kind of algorithm problems that feature in competitions like Google Code Jam, Topcoder and HackerRank.

Basic info

Application name: Application repo link: Application home link: Application description:


There are a ton of great Python projects out there, but what makes an application "Awesome™"? Please check that all of the following criteria apply:

Note that installability via pip/PyPI and a developer-audience focus may warrant a higher standard for inclusion, in keeping with the spirit of the list:

Additional notability info

mahmoud commented 4 years ago

This was a tough one, as Algojammer is a proof of concept that hasn't been updated in a little over a year. But the application's novelty and use of a C++ extension for recording the interpreter state won me over. Someone should really package this up, though, git clone + with a c++ compiler isn't a great installation experience. Thanks again! :)