mahmoud / awesome-python-applications

💿 Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
16.59k stars 2.68k forks source link

Add Project: atbswp #161

Open RMPR opened 3 years ago

RMPR commented 3 years ago

Basic info

Application name: atbswp Application repo link: Application home link: Application description: A macro recorder that can be used to record the mouse and keyboard events. You can then reproduce them identically as many times as you want


There are a ton of great Python projects out there, but what makes an application "Awesome™"? Please check that all of the following criteria apply:

Note that installability via pip/PyPI and a developer-audience focus may warrant a higher standard for inclusion, in keeping with the spirit of the list:

Additional notability info

mahmoud commented 3 years ago

Hey, this is really cool! Chapter 18, eh? Project seems newish, but it's getting some traction, at first blush. Any sense for how many are actually using it?

RMPR commented 3 years ago

There's a Telegram community, with around 50 members, so I guess it's something around that.