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7 is the most popular minor version of Python #12

Open wimglenn opened 5 years ago

wimglenn commented 5 years ago

^ Such a claim is not aging well, and also complicating matters since 3.7 is current now. Consider changing to a different example?

mahmoud commented 5 years ago

You sure it's not aging well? I think what you mean is that now that 3.7 is finally out, it's more true now than ever!

Anyways, if there's a suggestion I'm more than happy to hear it. More broadly, CalVer's examples are pretty Python heavy. While I'm proud of Python for helping lead the way, I'm sure there are other prominent ones to drum up, especially now that CalVer is gaining recognition outside of Python.

wimglenn commented 5 years ago

Heh :) I tried to think of an example but could not come up with anything really good. Perhaps just something simple and factual, such as "7 is the minor version of Python 2.7". Or really anything that will always be true, and never be in danger of becoming stale/incorrect.