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Translate entries to Chinese Simplified #28

Closed networm closed 4 years ago

networm commented 4 years ago

Make a new dir entries-zhcn to isolate all files. If you need to change directory structure to support internationalization, feel free to do it.

I think you should add other language links in after this pull request merged.

morgendave commented 4 years ago

I think the Chinese translation looks good to me

mahmoud commented 4 years ago

@morgendave great! thanks for taking a look.

@networm think you'll be able to make those small changes soon? Would love to get this merged and published. xiexie nin!

networm commented 4 years ago

I have make those small changes and I think you could merge them. You could change case of first character of commit message when merge. And you can change folder structure or anything else to support multiple language display.

mahmoud commented 4 years ago

Excellent! Thank you so much @networm, merging and will be uploading shortly.

mahmoud commented 4 years ago

And it's up! Here's the link:

networm commented 4 years ago

About and Users don't have links in index page.

mahmoud commented 4 years ago

I'm aware. The users page is linked from within the overview. As for about, I merged in your credits to the main About page itself. The About page is so short and light on content that it probably doesn't need to be split into separate pages now. I've saved the translations of the auxiliary pages in case that changes down the line.

networm commented 4 years ago

It's ok.