mahmoud / calver

📅 The web's go-to resource for Calendar Versioning info.
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Javascript Implementation & Maybe Clients Section In The Website #39

Open muratgozel opened 3 years ago

muratgozel commented 3 years ago


I would like to thank to the maintainers of the since it helped me a lot while writing node-calver. Personally I use calendar versioning in my frontend apps and decided to wrote this utility to automate release numbering process. (and now will help many more js developers) Please let me know if you see any implementation issues if you have a chance to look at it.

I also would like to see a clients section in the website (apart from users) since there are many implementations across different programming languages. I saw libraries like pycalver for example. This section may make visitors transition from semver (or nothing) to calver easier. I know some developers find calver is more reasonable in some of their projects but they may not transition because of the vast semver community.