mahmoud / calver

📅 The web's go-to resource for Calendar Versioning info.
489 stars 32 forks source link website is showing "ZeroVer: 0-based Versioning" instead CalVer documentation. #57

Closed webmatrixxxl closed 2 months ago

webmatrixxxl commented 2 months ago

Starting from yesterday is showing wrong documentation. It is showing "ZeroVer: 0-based Versioning" instead of CalVer itself.

Internet Archive:

mahmoud commented 2 months ago

Interesting, I'm guessing this is a DNS issue, as we've just switched registrars. I'm getting the correct site from multiple locations, so I'm thinking it's either a DNS cache issue, or potentially an IPv6 issue. I'll investigate, but if you have any more insight, do share. :)

mahmoud commented 2 months ago

Sure enough, there was an ipv6 directive for 0ver but not for calver, and when I copied over the DNS, I configured IPv6 on both. Give it a shot, it should be working now.