mahmoud / calver

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Windows 10 provides a better example of CalVer than older Windows releases. #9

Open kepstin opened 5 years ago

kepstin commented 5 years ago

The current example with Microsoft Windows shows 95, 98, 2000 - but Microsoft hasn't used this scheme in, well, 18 years now.

However - they are using CalVer to describe their updates to Windows 10! See

Where the version number (major update) uses the format YY0M, giving examples like "Windows 10 version 1703"

mahmoud commented 5 years ago

Nice! Let's find some way to work that into the site :)

As for the older examples, I still like to keep them around because 1) They establish a long history of CalVer, this isn't newfangled stuff 2) they were very much consumer-focused, and even non-technical users seemed to have no trouble parsing the year-version connection and 3) they hearken back to an age of Windows some might fondly remember as golden.

But that's great news about the the updates, could I convince you to make a PR?