mahmoud / zerover

0️⃣ Minimalist versioning scheme for devs who can't be bothered.
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Add project: pipewire #151

Closed glyph closed 1 year ago

glyph commented 1 year ago

Basic info

Project name: PipeWire Project link:


ZeroVer's patent-pending zero-based versioning scheme can obviously be used by everyone, but not every usage is necessarily notable. Check that the first and at least one other criterion apply:

Additional notability info

From the website:

Alongside Wayland and Flatpak, we expect PipeWire to provide a core building block for the future of Linux application development.

This paragraph is particularly notable:

In April 2021, Fedora Linux 34 became the first Linux distribution to ship PipeWire for audio by default.[14][15][16] A year later, Pop! OS adopted it as the default audio server in version 22.04.[17] It was made the default audio server in Ubuntu beginning with version 22.10.[18]

Citation info

glyph commented 1 year ago


mahmoud commented 1 year ago

Of course! A 22.04 user myself, let me tell you, I am not the least bit surprised to learn this. 11,000 commits! That's dedication to the 0ver cause.