mahmoud / zerover

0️⃣ Minimalist versioning scheme for devs who can't be bothered.
195 stars 67 forks source link

Add project: pint #171

Closed MattTheCuber closed 5 months ago

MattTheCuber commented 5 months ago

Basic info

Project name: Pint Project link:GitHubPyPi


ZeroVer's patent-pending zero-based versioning scheme can obviously be used by everyone, but not every usage is necessarily notable. Check that the first and at least one other criterion apply:

Additional notability info

Citation info


lmk if you want me to add "Industry standard for unit conversion Python libraries." as the reason.

mahmoud commented 5 months ago

l00ks great, thanks!

MattTheCuber commented 5 months ago

l00ks great, thanks!

What's the update cycle time for the website? No rush, just curious

mahmoud commented 5 months ago

Usually under an hour. The site (with refreshed numbers) is up now.

MattTheCuber commented 5 months ago

Usually under an hour. The site (with refreshed numbers) is up now.

Great, thanks!