mahmoud / zerover

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chore: Bump Window Maker from 0.95.8 to 0.96.0 #172

Closed displague closed 5 months ago

displague commented 5 months ago

Window Maker has been updated between 2017 and 2023 with two additional releases. Updated the projects list to reflect the latest.

I was surprised to see Window Maker in the list with updates as recent as 2017. Oh, nostalgia.

When I clicked through, I noticed the more recent releases.

displague commented 5 months ago

Meta comment - the PR template could say what to title a PR (and commit messages) that bump 0ver project versions. If there is automation that does this, that could be noted too.

mahmoud commented 5 months ago

Haha, nostalgia? More like n0w-stalgia! Thanks for the update :)

Meta comment - the PR template could say what to title a PR (and commit messages) that bump 0ver project versions. If there is automation that does this, that could be noted too.

That's a good point. Most of the projects are automated, but off-github or ones with funky tags are often manual. A PR template is a good idea, thanks!