mahmoud / zerover

0️⃣ Minimalist versioning scheme for devs who can't be bothered.
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Add project: Hy #180

Closed Kodiologist closed 1 month ago

Kodiologist commented 2 months ago

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Project name: Hy Project link:


ZeroVer's patent-pending zero-based versioning scheme can obviously be used by everyone, but not every usage is necessarily notable. Check that the first and at least one other criterion apply:

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I'm the maintainer, so this PR is a confession of sin. Version 1.0 is still supposed to come out Real Soon Now™.

mahmoud commented 1 month ago

l0l, since 2013? I cannot abs0lve you for there is n0thing to abs0lve. Never change, K0di!!

mahmoud commented 1 month ago

sidenote: Pretty sure my first conference talk was up against a talk about Hylang, way back at PyBay 2016. Come announce Hylang 24 at PyBay 2024! ;)

Kodiologist commented 1 month ago

Huh, small world.