mahnoorfatima / Assignment-WebScrapper

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req.query #1

Open neebz opened 4 years ago

neebz commented 4 years ago

All parameters passed in URL after ?= are called query parameters. To access query parameters please use the query object. see documentation:

above code should be changed to request.query.address

mahnoorfatima commented 4 years ago

All parameters passed in URL after ?= are called query parameters.Yes To access query parameters please use the query object . Yes There are 2 kind of Use Cases 1 - address param exist in the Url This comes with two further usecase i - address parameter is defined ? the req.query.address will return the value of address. ii - address parameters is in array ? the req.query.address is instance of array

2 - address param doesn't exist The req.query.address returns undefined. There for i have use request.url.indexOf("address=") to check the index of address param.