maho3 / ltu-cmass

A modular simulator of CMASS-NGC galaxy clustering
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BORG-PM + CLASS breaks for Omega_b >= #19

Closed maho3 closed 2 months ago

maho3 commented 2 months ago

The CLASS implementation in BORG seems to break for high values of Omega_b.

For example, running lhid=15 at the cosmology:

[Omega_m, Omega_b, h, n_s, sigma8] = [0.4791 0.06759 0.8131 0.9573 0.7391]

results in...

[17:38:14-INFO] Running run_density...
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | | | Error running thermodynamics_init => thermodynamics_init(L:344) :error in thermodynamics_helium_from_bbn(ppr,pba,pth);
=>thermodynamics_helium_from_bbn(L:630) :condition (omega_b > omegab[num_omegab-1]) is true; You have asked for an unrealistic high value omega_b = 4.468589e-02. The corresponding value of the primordial helium fraction cannot be found in the interpolation table. If you really want this value, you should fix YHe to a given value rather than to BBN
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | | | Error in CLASS
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | | |  0# LibLSS::Console::print_stack_trace() in /automnt/data80/mattho/venv/borg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aquila_borg/
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | | |  1# void LibLSS::error_helper<LibLSS::ErrorBadState>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) in /automnt/data80/mattho/venv/borg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aquila_borg/

Note, it complained about omega_b = 4.468589e-02 which is different than the config cosmology. I assume this is the omega_b at z=127, or whenever the transfer function is applied.

This seems to break for ~40% of Quijote cosmologies.

Can we fix this, or will we need to rely on the CAMB implementation in FastPM to run reliable PM sims?

EDIT: I am also getting a different error with BORG+CLASS, which I think may be related to this^ problem. For example, for lhid=408, i.e.

[Omega_m, Omega_b, h, n_s, sigma8] = [0.1219, 0.05495, 0.8649, 1.0065, 0.6183]

I get...

[23:41:50-INFO] Running run_density...
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | | Bad alpha for interpolation
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | |  0# LibLSS::Console::print_stack_trace() in /automnt/data80/mattho/venv/borg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aquila_borg/
[  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | | |  1# LibLSS::ClassCosmo::reinterpolate(boost::multi_array_ref<double, 1ul> const&, boost::multi_array_ref<double, 1ul> const&, LibLSS::internal_auto_interp::auto_interpolator<double>&) in /automnt/data80/mattho/venv/borg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aquila_borg/
DeaglanBartlett commented 2 months ago

The first thing to note here is that this does not appear to be an issue with BORG's implementation/wrapper of CLASS, but with the CLASS code itself. Using this cosmology using CLASS's python wrapper (v3.2.0):

from classy import Class
import numpy as np
import camb

redshift = 0.0
tau = 0.0561
Om, Ob, h, ns, sigma8 = 0.4791, 0.06759, 0.8131, 0.9573, 0.7391

kmin = 9e-3
kmax = 4.9
nk = 200
k = np.logspace(np.log10(kmin), np.log10(kmax), nk)

# Convert As to sigma8 (at z=0)
As = 2.1e-09  # initial guess
pars = camb.CAMBparams()
                   ombh2=Ob * h ** 2,
                   omch2=(Om - Ob) * h ** 2,
pars.InitPower.set_params(As=As, ns=ns, r=0)
pars.set_matter_power(redshifts=[0.], kmax=k[-1])
pars.NonLinear = camb.model.NonLinear_none
results = camb.get_results(pars)
sigma8_new = results.get_sigma8()[0]
As *= (sigma8 / sigma8_new) ** 2
print('Using As:', As)

# Run camb
num_massive_neutrinos = 0
Oc =  Om - Ob
pars = camb.CAMBparams()
                   ombh2=Ob * h ** 2,
                   omch2=(Om - Ob) * h ** 2,
pars.set_dark_energy(w=-1.0, wa=0.0)
pars.InitPower.set_params(ns=ns, As=As, r=0)
pars.set_matter_power(redshifts=[redshift], kmax=k[-1])
pars.NonLinear = camb.model.NonLinear_none
results = camb.get_results(pars)
index = 6
_, _, plin_camb = results.get_matter_power_spectrum(
    var1=(1 + index),
    var2=(1 + index),
plin_camb = plin_camb[0]
print('CAMB sigma8', results.get_sigma8()[0])

# Run class
Oc =  Om - Ob
class_params = {
    'h': h,
    'omega_b': Ob * h**2,
    'omega_cdm': Oc * h**2,
    'A_s': As,
    'n_s': ns,
    'output': 'mPk',
    'P_k_max_1/Mpc': k.max() * h,
    'w0_fld': -1.0,
    'wa_fld': 0.0,
    'Omega_Lambda': 0,  # Set to 0 because we're using w0_fld and wa_fld instead
    'z_max_pk': 3.0,  # Max redshift for P(k) output
cosmo = Class()
sigma8_class = cosmo.sigma8()
plin_class = np.array([cosmo.pk_lin(kk*h, redshift) for kk in k]) * h ** 3

# Get sigma8 from class
sigma8_class = cosmo.sigma8()
print('CLASS sigma8:', sigma8_class)

# Memory cleanup for class

also gives an error at the line cosmo.compute():

File classy.pyx:389, in classy.Class.compute()


Error in Class: thermodynamics_init(L:344) :error in thermodynamics_helium_from_bbn(ppr,pba,pth);
=>thermodynamics_helium_from_bbn(L:615) :condition (omega_b > omegab[num_omegab-1]) is true; You have asked for an unrealistic high value omega_b = 4.468589e-02. The corresponding value of the primordial helium fraction cannot be found in the interpolation table. If you really want this value, you should fix YHe to a given value rather than to BBN

I will investigate whether it is possible to follow the advice If you really want this value, you should fix YHe to a given value rather than to BBN.

ludvigdoeser commented 2 months ago

If consistency with Quijote is desired, then we should set YHe=0.24 for all simulations since the original Quijote simulations made this choice. When I discussed this with Drew J. for re-training the emulator he also noted that the primordial helium abundance is always very close to this value anyway.

In BORG, you can do:

maho3 commented 2 months ago

The Bad alpha for interpolation problem is still there, breaking about 20% of cosmologies. I tried digging into it, but couldn't hack a solution. I made this BORG issue, to describe it further and request help from Guilhem.

DeaglanBartlett commented 2 months ago

Strange. Running with lhid=15 seemed fine in this PR Which version of borg are you using? I have

[0/0][INFO S ] ARES3 base version b72900c62064d234920276bfb90927aabe5b89f3 [0/0][INFO S ] GIT report [0/0][INFO S ] - Module: root, Version: b72900c62064d234920276bfb90927aabe5b89f3

maho3 commented 2 months ago

Yes, It turns out that I was running on an old (broken) BORG version. It works after a fresh install.