maho3 / ltu-ili

Robust ML in Astro
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Remove ili-summarizer dependence #78

Closed maho3 closed 1 year ago

maho3 commented 1 year ago

Currently, we only depend on ili-summarizer for the Dataset class. However, installing ili-summarizer with its nbodykit dependence is a pain, so most people often use the no backends option. However, this causes the ugly warning:

UserWarning: Running without the following backends due to ModuleNotFoundError: nbodykit, jax, Corrfunc, kymatio
  warnings.warn(f"Running without the following backends due to ModuleNotFoundError: {', '.join(notfound)}")

every time we import ltu-ili. It would be really easy to just reimplement the Dataset class and drop our ili-summarizer dependency.

We should make sure we cite ili-summarizer, and remember to update our Dataset implementation when it changes.

CompiledAtBirth commented 1 year ago

For now, I copied the Dataset class into, plus added the xarray and typing imports.