maholli / SAM32

Feather-sized SAMD51 with M4 core serving as UART bridge to WROOM ESP32
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Investigate premature UART buffer filling on v2 #15

Closed maholli closed 5 years ago

maholli commented 5 years ago

v2a seems to be missing the first few bits of UART messages, which shouldn't be occurring unless the buffer is tossing them out?

maholli commented 5 years ago

thinking about it more... maybe it's because I'm relying on the internal pull-up on the samd51 Tx pin. When the micro is reset, this will float the Tx, causing the esp to respond with who-knows-what.

will try and put UART init closer to the time the TxRx pins are used.

maholli commented 5 years ago

Solved. Was initializing UART and then doing a bunch of SPI sd card stuff. Everything prints correctly with the latest example