Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in
File "...\tweety\", line 846, in tweet_detail
response = self.request.get_tweet_detail(tweetId)
File "...\tweety\", line 303, in get_tweet_detail
response = self.get_response(**self._builder.tweet_detail_as_guest(tweetId))
File "...\tweety\", line 168, in get_response
raise TwitterError(
tweety.exceptions.TwitterError: Page not Found. Most likely you need elevated authorization to access this resource
I'm using Python.exe 3.12.5 on win 10 with admin privileges.
Executing the following code:
I get the following error. Why?
I'm using Python.exe 3.12.5 on win 10 with admin privileges.