Open mahyuan opened 6 years ago
{ // Place your snippets for javascript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are: // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected. // Example: "Print to console": { "prefix": "log", "body": [ "console.log('$1');", "$2" ], "description": "Log output to console" }, "Vue.extent({})": { "scope": "javascript,typescript", "prefix": "vueextend", "body": [ "import Vue from 'vue'", "import jump from 'h5/lib/jump'", "import template from './tmpl.html'\n", "import optimize from 'filters/imgOptimize'\n", "let style = require('./style.css')", "if(style.locals) style = style.locals\n", "export default Vue.extend({", "\ttemplate,", "\tdata() {", "\t\treturn {", "\t\t\tstyle,", "\t\t\tsquares: require('icons/squares.png'),", "\t\t}", "\t},", "\tprops: ['${1:pro}'], ", "\tfilters: {", "\t\toptimize,", "\t},", "\tmethods: {", "\t\tsetClass() {", "\t\t\tlet clazz= {}", "\t\t\tif(this.isOver) clazz[style.over] = true;\n", "\t\t\tif(this.type === 'repo') clazz[] = true;", "\t\t\telse clazz[style.buy2] = true;", "\t\t\treturn clazz", "\t\t},", "\t\tdetail(g) {", "\t\t\tjump.goods(", "\t\t},", "\t\tgname(str){", "\t\t\treturn (str || toString(str)).replace('&','&')", "\t\t},", "\t},", "\tmounted() {", "\t\tconst LazyLoad = require('lib/lazyload')", "\t\tthis.lazyload = new LazyLoad({selector: 'div[data-src], img[data-src]'})", "\t},\n", "});\n", ], "description": "createApp for vue template" }, "createApp index.js for vue template js": { "scope": "javascript,typescript", "prefix": "createApp", "body": [ "import Vue from 'vue';", "import axios from 'axios';", "import template from './components/${2:valentine/prebuy}/tmpl.html';", "import { serverData } from 'lib/init';", "import optimize from 'filters/imgOptimize';", "import actfooter from './components/activity_footer';", "let jump = require('./lib/jump');", "let style = require('./components/${2:valentine/prebuy}/style.css');", "if (style.locals) style = style.locals;\n", "module.exports.createApp = function (${1:imglist}) {", "\treturn new Vue({", "\t\ttemplate,", "\t\tdata: {", "\t\t\tmsg: 'hhhh',", "\t\t\tstyle,", "\t\t\t${1:timglist},", "\t\t},", "\t\tfilters: {", "\t\t\toptimize", "\t\t},", "\t\tcomponents: {", "\t\t\tactfooter", "\t\t},", "\t\tmethods: {\n", "\t\t},", "\t\tmounted() {", "\t\t\tlet lazyLoad = require('lib/lazyload');", "\t\t\tnew lazyLoad({", "\t\t\t\tselector: 'div[data-src], img[data-src]'", "\t\t\t});", "\t\t\n", "\t\t\tthis.$nextTick(() => {", "\t\t\n", "\t\t\t})", "\t\t},", "\t})", "};\n", "if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {", "\tconst sd = serverData();", "\ = exports.createApp(sd.${1:imglist});", "\tapp.$mount('#app');", "};\n", ], "description": "createApp for vue template" }, "create router for koa router file": { "scope": "javascript,typescript", "prefix": "router", "body": [ "// ", "router.get('${1:/activity/valentine/prebuy}', function* (next) {", "\tconst share = {", "\t\ttitle: '${2:this is share title}',", "\t\tcontent: '${3:this is share content}',", "\t\ticon_url: '${4:this is share icon url}',", "\t\ttarget_url: `${5:${this.originalUrl}}`", "\t};\n", "\tlet ${6:imglist} = require(${7:'../../views/h5/activity/valentine/prebuy_data.json'});\n", "\tlet app = require('../../../../ssr/${8:h5/valentine_prebuy}').createApp(${6:imglist});", "\tlet __html = yield render(app);\r", "\tyield this.render(${9:'h5/activity/valentine/prebuy'}, {", "\t\t__title: share.title,", "\t\t__html,", "\t\t${6:imglist},", "\t\t__name: ${8:'h5/valentine_prebuy'},", "\t\t__shareinfo: {", "\t\t\tpengyouquan: share,", "\t\t\tweixin: share,", "\t\t\tqqzone: share,", "\t\t\tweibo: share,", "\t\t\tqq: share", "\t\t}", "\t})", "});\n", ], "description": "create router for koa router file" }, "views file *.ejs": { "prefix": "views", "scope": "ejs", "body": [ "<%- include(${1:'../../../common/h5-header'}) %>", "<%- include(${2:'../../../common/h5-common'}) %>\n", "\t<div id='${3:app}'><%- ${4:__html} %></div>", "\t<pre vue-data='${5:imglist}'><%- escape(JSON.stringify(${5:imglist}) %></pre>\n", "<%- include(${6:'../../../common/h5-footer'}) %>" ], "description": " views file ejs template " } }