maidsafe / safe_network

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bug: lack of randomness expected in the network #1956

Open happybeing opened 1 month ago

happybeing commented 1 month ago

I started 24 nodes within a couple of hours of the reset announcement and they all look find since, though shunning is higher than previously.

I observe the same apparently non-random activity in terms of earnings though. Yesterday one node earned 10 nanos. Overnight, the same node has earned twice more, now a total of 30 nanos.

The chances of this being random are negligible, which appears to signify a problem.

I've been observing and reporting this apparent non-randomness in perhaps the address space or distribution of records for months and not yet had an explanation, so it appears to be an unacknowledged bug.

happybeing commented 1 month ago

Here's the status just now. During the previous test cycle I was running a similar number of nodes and eventually about half of them earned, but one had way more than all the others so again it doesn't look statistically random. Screenshot from 2024-07-10 08-48-16

rreive commented 1 month ago

ok it could be a statistical outlier, non? being only 4.16% of the node population, imo time will tell.., if it keeps happening daily without interruption between days over say a week then you are likely correct.