maierfelix / POGOserver

Pokemon GO server emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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how to skip pokemon go terms of service #213

Open OhnO395 opened 8 years ago

OhnO395 commented 8 years ago


i use mobile phone to pogoserver


when i press accept, pogo server report "Unknown request: MARK_TUTORIAL_COMPLETE". how to skip or pass it.

nogard230 commented 8 years ago

Delete all tables on database or set to {"0":1,"1":1,"3":1,"4":1,"7":1} in collum tutorial in users table.

OhnO395 commented 8 years ago

how to save player


database is still empty


OhnO395 commented 8 years ago

because server is crashed, Can't it save player's data?


Badley187 commented 8 years ago

Same issue here... only solved it with manual creating a user on sql. Creating tables new has nothing changed for me.

OhnO395 commented 8 years ago

exsample please.

nliakm commented 8 years ago

I guess you are using phpmyadmin? you just log in from your browser , go to the pogosql database and to the users table. there you can just add a new user. only important is, that you use your emailadress and {"0":1,"1":1,"3":1,"4":1,"7":1} as tutorial value.

Cronick commented 8 years ago

What version do you use?

LordBunny commented 8 years ago

I got the same d

LordBunny commented 8 years ago

And server is not crashed

Cronick commented 8 years ago

@LordBunny - What version do you use?

LordBunny commented 8 years ago


nliakm commented 8 years ago

are you using phpmyadmin to manage your database?

LordBunny commented 8 years ago

What is the link?

nliakm commented 8 years ago

try open localhost:8080/phpmyadmin in your webbrowser

LordBunny commented 8 years ago


LordBunny commented 8 years ago

And there?

nliakm commented 8 years ago

take a look at the left site of it. there must be a "pogosql" database. click on it and go to users. it should be empty. now you can add a user. choose the add tab and enter the values you want.

another way is, you click on the SQL - tab and add this (CHANGE TO YOUR EMAIL - ADRESS OF YOUR ACCOUNT FIRST) INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Administrator', '', 20000000, 40, 10000, 1000, 1, 50, 143, 0, 0, 0, '{}', '{}', '{}', '{}', '{"0":1,"1":1,"3":1,"4":1,"7":1}');

click OK in the bottom right corner.

now you can connect with your player

edit: in both ways the value of tutorial must be '{"0":1,"1":1,"3":1,"4":1,"7":1}' and the value of email must be the email of your account.

OhnO395 commented 8 years ago

Prove pogoserver v 0.5.9

  1. goto mysql (i'm use phpmyadmin) drop all table
  2. start pogoserver (pogoserver create all table)
  3. tab "mysql" use command (in picture)


  1. start pogemon go v.0.35 from mobile
  2. i can play pogemon go


thank you very much. ^_^

nicarmani commented 8 years ago

If you close the console and re open, it crash again when you login right?

Meik1712 commented 8 years ago

Pokemon Version: 0.35.0 Nox Version: 3.7.2 Xposed Version 2.7

My Problem is wtf no errors to login o.O

KitsuneDev commented 8 years ago

I can't skip the Terms of Service, even after using that SQL Query. They still appear...

OhnO395 commented 8 years ago

It work for me any time. show picture