maierfelix / POGOserver

Pokemon GO server emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Login Failed" Web UI #275

Open LUCKASSs opened 8 years ago

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Hello guys and sorry if it's a stupid Issue, But when I try to connect to the web UI, it say "login failed", the web UI and the server are on the same machine, so the IP in the cfg is and port is by default 9000.

The server works well in local and outside my network by opening ports.


Cronick commented 8 years ago

What is your API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD in the cfg.js?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

The Api Username is root and the password is the same that Mysql

Cronick commented 8 years ago

API_USERNAME & API_PASSWORD is what you should use to login on Web-API

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah but it's not working, First it said "Connection Failed" and then "Login Failed"

devilkkw commented 8 years ago

in your browser try to connect to "http://localhost/api/" and check if work. Try to exit skype, if you are running on it.

By the way, you don't send any information about your server configuration. what are you using? and are you sure is running and reachable?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

I'm on Ubuntu Mate (Raspberry Pi 3) And yeah my server is reachable, I used PoGoXposed on Xposed to set my IP And I can connect myself to the game and play.

Btw, on http://localhost:9000, it said "API ACCESS DENIED"

And http://localhost/api is not reachable, but by file:///home/luca/POGOserver/api/ it works.

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Ok, It seems to be working ! I just add localhost:9000 on the allowed host on cfg ! Before it was just localhost

But it doesn't work out of how to make it work with 192.168.0.XXX and 88.126.XXX.XX ?? I add them both on the allowed host cfg but It said Connection Failed

@devilkkw @Cronick

devilkkw commented 8 years ago

it seems a router configuration problem.Need to redirect connection to the correct IP in the router. External ip are different from PC-IP. i think is a mistake in your router config.

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

I already redirected the port 3306, 3000 and 9000 in TCP and UDP to my RPi3

devilkkw commented 8 years ago

you want to acces by other pc trought internet,are you sure your internet provider are not blocking some port? i had same issue, and changed port to TORRENT port,and now work.My provider block some port. Check also firewall active on your server ar not blocking connection.

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

@devilkkw I'll try to explain (I'm french, so my english sucks)

So, the web UI can connect to the api only in localhost by some reasons..

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

OK GUYS ! WTF ! I just set 192.168.0.XXX to the CFG instead of and that WORKS FINE !

Now I just have problem with my caracters in game and spawning pokemon, and pokestop, delete pokestop etc..

Thx for your answers guys ! 👍

devilkkw commented 8 years ago

Godd notice. For other question, read the issue,they have a solution posted here.