maierfelix / POGOserver

Pokemon GO server emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to install POGO-POPULATE #281

Open LUCKASSs opened 7 years ago

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

Hello guys, I try to install pogo-populate on my server , but I get always an error when starting the server. So any of you can explain me steps by steps how to install this please ? I have posted an issue on this github but seems to be outdated..

Thx !

DracoMilesX commented 7 years ago

Check out JoshGlue branch of POGOserver and follow the setup steps. (cfg.js, npm install, etc...)

Currently the official branch doesn't support it.

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

Ok thx I will try

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

I can't find this branch.. @DracoMilesX

DracoMilesX commented 7 years ago

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

@DracoMilesX This branch is outated.. Any tutorial on how to install Pogo-populate on 0.6.1 ? @JoshGlue

DracoMilesX commented 7 years ago

Only way to do on 0.6.1 is to replace the files from this repo with the modified files from JoshGlue repo.

Otherwise you either need to check out the outdated repo or wait untill pull request is approved or another way is added.

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

That worked. But I have an error when I log in game, so 0 Pokemons Spawns 0 spawns created, maximum already reached


DracoMilesX commented 7 years ago

Sorry cannot help you with that one haven't tried pogo-populate myself yet.

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

@maierfelix @Cronick @JoshGlue

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

don´t use pogo-populate... i tried it and its write every spawn to your mysql... my db was full after after use this...

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

No problem for that, I can delete them How do you install pogo populate on your server ? It give me this error : 0 spawns created, maximum already reached

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

u need to use this

clone it and install it, then test pogo-populate. but i say you delete it later

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

I'ts outdated

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

yes, but the only version where pogo-populate worked.... to make pogo-popolutae work on 0.6.1 then you need to update pogo-populate ;)

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

try this...

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

EDIT : That worked with sudo git clone --branch pogo-populate

I can't sudo git clone he said that he can't found this repo

Or sudo git clone --branch pogo-populate

It said

Cloning into 'POGOserver'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

And how I can update the server by this branch ?

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

@Badley187 Ok so I installed the server with your repo and your tree pogo populate but it gave me the same error !

0 spawns created, maximum already reached

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

check your mysql spawn point table

i have tested it and its worked for me...

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

Where I can check that ?

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

Phpmyadmin or Mysql Workbanch

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

Oh.. Right.. 600 page of spawns...... But no pokemon are spawning..

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

//Populate map with Pokemon RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS: true, RADIUS: 2, //In kilometers RARITY_RATE: 1.5, //The higher, the less likely rare Pokemon will appear NUMBER_SPAWNs: 500, POKEMON_PER_SPAWN: 1,

change RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS to false with true it create spawn point every time you login to your server. i think you have to much spawn points...

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

Ok thx you so much I will try this

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

@Badley187 Ok so, I have a clean database, a clean server with your pogopopulate tree, the server works fine without errors, but 0 pokemon spawns And no message from PogoPopulate and nothing in the spawn_points

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

Change RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS to true, login with your player, wait some min. And check your db.then change RANDOM_SPAWNS_AT_PLAYERS to false, log out and login again. Now the pokemons spawn.

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

@Badley187 OK ! SO ! That works fine now ! BUT ... omg I can't support anymore .. Spawns are fine, but pokemon does not appear ! I just have this :

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

use your own api key, try to relog

LUCKASSs commented 7 years ago

I set my own Google map Api key but doesn't work.. @Badley187

Badley187 commented 7 years ago

I dont know... i solved it with simple log out and log in.