maieul / biblatex-manuscripts-philology

Biblatex style and datatools to describe manuscripts in the perspective of a critical edition of text.
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withoutshorthand not working #17

Closed Doc73 closed 6 years ago

Doc73 commented 6 years ago

Dear Maieul, I'm testing your package. Here is a MWE:

% !TeX program = xelatex
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% !TeX spellcheck = it_IT

  collection     = {Vaticanus graecus},
  location       = {Città del Vaticano},
  library        = {Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana},
  shelfmark      = {1},
  bookpagination = {folio},
  columns        = {1},
  dating         = {X saec.},
  shortlibrary   = {Vat.},
  pagetotal      = {300},
  shorthand      = {O},
  support        = {pergament},
  annotation     = {blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla},
  origin         = {Costantinopoli},
  keywords       = {manuscripti},

  collection     = {Parisinus Graecus},
  location       = {Paris},
  library        = {Bibliothèque Nationale de France},
  shelfmark      = {1807},
  bookpagination = {folio},
  columns        = {2},
  dating         = {IX saec.},
  shortlibrary   = {Par.},
  pagetotal      = {300},
  shorthand      = {A},
  support        = {pergament},
  keywords       = {manuscripti},
  contents       = {blablabla blablabla},

  collection = {Beinecke},
  location   = {New Haven (Connecticut)},
  library    = {Yale University},
  shelfmark  = {278},
  columns    = {2},
  dating     = {4 October 1453},
  pages      = {1\recto--160\recto},
  pagetotal  = {I+164+IV},
  pagination = {column},
  support    = {paper},
  annotation = {Written in Italy by Ioannes Skoutariotes in 1453 (see Vogel and Gardthausen, pp. 197-99; Canart, p. 68; de Meyier, p. 262). Acquired from Frater Philippus Lapaccinus by the Dominican convent of San Marco in Florence in the 15th century; ownership inscription of 15th century on f. ii verso is partially erased but still legible under ultraviolet light: "Iste liber est conuentus Sancti Marci de Florentia ordinis predicatorum. In bancho vj occidentis librarie grece. Habitus a fratre philippo lapaccino filio natiuo. N. LXXXVIIII." (B. Ullman and P. Stadter, The Public Library of Renaissance Florence [Padua, 1972] pp. 76, n. 1; 264; 279; 317.) Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps (no. 10371, on spine), who purchased it from Payne (Cat. 1835, no. 100). Acquired in 1953 by Thomas E. Marston (bookplate) from C. A. Stonehill. Gift of Thomas E. Marston in 1959.},
  shorthand      = {B},
  keywords   = {manuscripti},
  origin     = {Italy},
  scribe     = {Ioannes Skoutariotes},





\printshorthands[type=manuscript,title=Conspectus siglorum]

\printshorthands[type=manuscript,env=details,title=Description of manuscripts]

\printshorthands[type=manuscript,env=details,title=Codicum enarrationes,check=withoutshorthand]

\printbibliography[type=manuscript,env=details,title=Codicum enarrationes,check=withoutshorthand]

OT I add some missprints in doc:

pag. 6: Another solution is to make two lists: one with manuscripts with shorthands and one with manuscripts withoutshortands. You can add to your \printbibliography or \printshorthands commands a bibcheck option, equal to withshorthand or withoutshorthand

p. 7: could make LaTeXfinishing (without space)

maieul commented 6 years ago

please, use \jobname instead of non specific file name.


I look on your problem.

maieul commented 6 years ago

all your manuscript have a shorthand, so it is normal that check=withoutshorthand] does not print any manuscript, as you ask for manuscript which have no shorthand!

Doc73 commented 6 years ago


Sorry if I bother you, but do you think it's possibile to add a sort of cite command that produce a \fullcite item with all the description, as in catalog of manuscripts?

maieul commented 6 years ago

yes, it could be possible, but please an new issue. I may look for this this week-end.

Doc73 commented 6 years ago

Yes, but for now I'm trying to understand the behaviour of withoutshorthand and bibstyle=manuscripts-noautoshorthand

maieul commented 6 years ago

simple, but not in the same level: