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Problem with TeXLive 2013 and \textsuperscript #123

Closed REBECCACHUNG closed 11 years ago

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

Hi Maieul:

I will eventually migrate to eledmac, but for now, I have found a problem using my ledmac files and the new TeX Live distribution.

In two different files, the \textsuperscript commands appears to halt the program.

I have tried removing brackets, but then I get a "runaway argument" error message.

Rebecca (please use chung.rm at gmail dot com for email)

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013) \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./Letter1LFCclean.tex LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded. (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex./Letter1LFCclean.tex:41: Argument of \@firstoftwo has an extra }.

\par l.41 ... Friday Aug\textsuperscript{t} 3. O.S. H}} ? /base/article.cls Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo)) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ledmac/ledmac.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/times.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ulem/ulem.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/verse/verse.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/setspace/setspace.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/keyval.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype-pdftex.def) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype.cfg)) (./Letter1LFCclean.aux) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ot1ptm.fd) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-ptm.cfg) Section 1 (./Letter1LFCclean.1) ./Letter1LFCclean.tex:41: Use of \@item doesn't match its definition. \@ifnextchar ... \reserved@d =#1\def \reserved@a { #2}\def \reserved@b {#3}\f... l.41 ... Friday Aug\textsuperscript{t} 3. O.S. H}} ?
maieul commented 11 years ago

could you send a minimal working example?

ps : thanks for your new email.

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

The error message is slightly different in the minimal example, but the error still comes from line 41.

I am not sure what packages to strip out, since the error occurs so early in the document. File is both attached and pasted in.


\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage[noeledmac]{ledmac} \usepackage{times, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

\begin{flushright} \edt{\edt{\I{Rotterdam}}{\B{a prosperous Dutch port.}}, Friday, \edt{Aug. 3}{\B{Plans kept changing. \I{The Flying Post or The Post Master}, 1716 Apr. 14: Mr. Wortley Montague, late one of the Lords of the Treasury, is going Ambassador to Constantinople, in the Room of Colonel Sutton, who has obtain'd Leave to come Home." Jul. 3, office circular:Mr. Montague, being appointed to succeed Sir Robert Sutton as his Majesty's ambassador at the Ottoman Port, a man-of-war is ordered to convey him to Constantinople" (Polwarth, 1:36). Jul. 7: The honourable Edward Wortley, alias Montague, will set forward this Week on his Embassy to Constantinople";Edward Wortley, alias Montague, Esq; Ambassador Extraordinary to the Ottoman Porte, sets out in a few Days for Constantinople, to relieve Sir Robert Sutton" (\I{Shift Shifted}; \I{Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer}). Jul. 27, John Robethon (d. 1722, secretary to George I) to Alexander Hume Campbell, Lord Polwarth (1675--1740, ambassador-extraordinary to Copenhagen): The Danish ambassador left in one of the King's yachts for Holland on his way to Hanover this morning, and at the same time Mr. Wortley Montagu left in another yacht also for Holland, whence he proceeds by land to Constantinople" (\I{Polwarth}, 1:47). Jul. 28:Edward-Wortley Montague, Esq; set out Yesterday Morning on his Embassy to Constantinople" (\I{Weekly Packet}). Jul. 31, office circular enclosure: Mr. Wortley Montague, his Majesty's ambassador extraordinary to Constantinople, sets out to-morrow to begin his journey thither" (\I{Polwarth},1:49). Aug. 3, office circular:Last Wednesday being the anniversary of his Majesty's happy accession to the throne \ldots.The same day Mr. Wortley Montagu set out for his embassy \ldots " (\I{Polwarth}, 1:52). A man-of-war was the largest and most-heavily armed sailing ship in the British navy; for yacht, see l.8n.}}. \edt{O.S.}{\B{To convert from old-style British dates to new-style (European) Continental dates, add eleven days to the British date. Where needed for quick referencing, both dates are supplied [using brackets].}} 1716.}{\lemma{\I{Rotterdam}\D1716.}\A{Rotterdam, Friday Aug\textsuperscript{t} 3. O.S. H}} \end{flushright}

\endnumbering \pend \end{document}

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

could you send a minimal working example?

ps : thanks for your new email.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

Hum, I'm sorry, but with texlive 2013, I have no problem. Could you test with a lemma with only one superscript ?

maieul commented 11 years ago

what's news ?

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

Hi Maieul:

There is too much news, which is why I haven't been able to reply.

This minimal example, taken straight from my file, runs fine, with the package changed to eledmac. But the full file generates the same error message in both TeXShop and TeXWorks. I'm sending the minimal example and the error messages.

Thanks for all your help. It is tedious work, I know.


\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage{times, eledmac, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}


Overfull \vbox (7.46777pt too high) detected at line 59


Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) detected at line 59



! You can't use a prefix with `end-group character }'.

} l.59 \pend --- TeXShop This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013) \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./Letter1LFCclean.tex LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded. (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo)) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/times.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/eledmac/eledmac.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xargs/xargs.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xkeyval/xkeyval.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/xkeyval.tex (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/xkeyval/keyval.tex)))) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/etoolbox/etoolbox.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/etex-pkg/etex.sty)) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bigfoot/suffix.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/oberdiek/ifluatex.sty)) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ulem/ulem.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/verse/verse.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/setspace/setspace.sty) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype.sty (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype-pdftex.def) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/microtype.cfg)) (./Letter1LFCclean.aux) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/ot1ptm.fd) (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-ptm.cfg) Section 1 (./Letter1LFCclean.1) Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 54--56 Overfull \vbox (7.46777pt too high) detected at line 59 [8{/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] Underfull \h./Letter1LFCclean.tex:59: Extra }, or forgotten $. ... \sf@size \z@ \selectfont \egroup }} l.59 \pend ? box (badness 10000) detected at line 59 [] (/usr/local/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-cmr.cfg) ./Letter1LFCclean.tex:59: You can't use a prefix with `end-group character }'. ``` } ``` l.59 \pend ? On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Maïeul Rouquette wrote: > > what's news ? > > — > Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub > .
maieul commented 11 years ago

I am sorry, I have made a test with your new example. It runs perfectly. Do you have all the package up ?

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

Hi Maieul - yes, I do have the package up.

The example does run perfectly, but something stalls with the full document.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

I am sorry, I have made a test with your new example. It runs perfectly. Do you have all the package up ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

Ok, you first minimal example didn't work. I will try

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

I began pasting in paragraphs from the original document into the test document, starting from the end and working toward the beginning. Everything runs until I paste in from this excerpt (at line 35 in my original document):

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

Ok, you first minimal example didn't work. I will try

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

I retry you first minimal example. The problem was in the order of \pend and \endnumbering. Cf f1da5e5. Do you have the same error in your full file ?

maieul commented 11 years ago

sorry, I'm lost with all you example. Could send me a new minimal example which doesn't run ?

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

I don't have that error in either file - that's a paste-in error.

The minimal example below runs, as long as I don't add to it this section of text, with all the superscripts in it:

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

Once I add this section, I get the error.

This worries me, because I need those superscripts.

Here's the example without that section of superscripted notes. This should run:

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

I retry you first minimal example. The problem was in the order of \pendand \endnumbering. Cf f1da5e5 Do you have the same error in your full file ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

please. Send me only a minimal example which doesn't run. With :

It quite hard for me to understand where is the problem … so help me.

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

One more time!

In this minimal example, the first paragraph of text makes the document crash ("The town seems...).

If you remove the first paragraph, the example should run.

I worry about all the superscripts in the first paragraph.

\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage{times, eledmac, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

I don't have that error in either file - that's a paste-in error.

The minimal example below runs, as long as I don't add to it this section of text, with all the superscripts in it:

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

Once I add this section, I get the error.

This worries me, because I need those superscripts.

Here's the example without that section of superscripted notes. This should run:

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Maïeul Rouquette <


I retry you first minimal example. The problem was in the order of \pendand \endnumbering. Cf f1da5e5 Do you have the same error in your full file ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

This is what creates the error. Everything else in that paragraph will typeset.

'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

One more time!

In this minimal example, the first paragraph of text makes the document crash ("The town seems...).

If you remove the first paragraph, the example should run.

I worry about all the superscripts in the first paragraph.

\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage{times, eledmac, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

I don't have that error in either file - that's a paste-in error.

The minimal example below runs, as long as I don't add to it this section of text, with all the superscripts in it:

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

Once I add this section, I get the error.

This worries me, because I need those superscripts.

Here's the example without that section of superscripted notes. This should run:

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Maïeul Rouquette <> wrote:

I retry you first minimal example. The problem was in the order of \pendand \endnumbering. Cf f1da5e5 Do you have the same error in your full file ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

thinsk. That is a really true minimal example.

I think the problem is not with superscript but with ^.

See with

'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous \textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}}

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

This runs in the example {brackets around \textsuperscript}

'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^{\textsuperscript{ly}} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}}

I'm checking the document file now.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

This is what creates the error. Everything else in that paragraph will typeset.

'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

One more time!

In this minimal example, the first paragraph of text makes the document crash ("The town seems...).

If you remove the first paragraph, the example should run.

I worry about all the superscripts in the first paragraph.

\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage{times, eledmac, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

I don't have that error in either file - that's a paste-in error.

The minimal example below runs, as long as I don't add to it this section of text, with all the superscripts in it:

The town seems so full of \edt{peo-ple,}{\A{people L4}} with such busy faces, all in motion, that I can hardly fancy that it is not some celebrated \edt{fair,}{\A{fair; F}} but I see \edt{'tis}{\A{it is F; 'tis P}} every day the \edt{same.}{\A{same. \CT}} 'Tis certain no town can be more \edt{advantageously}{\A{advantageous ^\textsuperscript{ly} \sout{ly} P}} situated for \edt{commerce. Here}{\A{Commerce, here H; \D .Here F}} are seven large \edt{canals,}{\A{Canals, HP; canals, F; Canals L4}} on which the \edt{merchant}{\A{merchants F}} \edt{ships,}{\A{ships F L4}} come up to the very doors of their \edt{houses}{\A{\sout{Merchants} \textsuperscript{Houses} H}}.

Once I add this section, I get the error.

This worries me, because I need those superscripts.

Here's the example without that section of superscripted notes. This should run:

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

The shops and warehouses are of a \edt{surprising}{\A{surprising 1758; surprizing HF}} neatness and magnificence, filled with an incredible quantity of fine \edt{merchandise}{\A{Merchandise 1701; Merchandize HP; merchandize F}}, and so much cheaper than what we see in \edt{England,}{\A{England, that F}} I have much ado to persuade myself I am still so near it.

Here is neither dirt nor beggary to be \edt{seen. One}{\A{seen, one H; \D .One F L4}} is not shocked with those loathsome \edt{cripples}{\A{Cripples H; cripples, F}} so common in \edt{London,}{\A{London P}} nor \edt{teased}{\A{teased 1701; teizÔøΩd H; teized F}} with the \edt{importun-ities}{\A{importunity F}}{\B{obstinate solicitations.}} of idle fellows and \edt{\edt{wenches}{\B{rustic or laboring women.}},}{\A{Wenches, H; wenches, F; Wenches P L4}} that \edt{choose}{\A{choose 1701; chuse HF}} to be nasty and \edt{lazy. The}{\A{lazy. Y\textsuperscript{e} \CT; \ldots .The F L4}} common \edt{ser-vants,}{\A{Servants, H; servants F; Servants L4}} and little \edt{shopwomen}{\A{Shopwomen 1730; shop Women H; shop-women, F}} \edt{here,}{\A{here L4}} are more nicely \edt{clean}{\A{clean, F}} than most of our ladies, and the great variety of neat \edt{\edt{dresses}{\B{headdresses (the arrangement and ornamentation of the hair, including headgear).}}}{\A{dresses, H; dresses F L4}} \edt{(every}{\A{(:every P}} woman dressing her head after her own \edt{fashion)}{\A{fashion:) P}} is an additional pleasure in seeing the \edt{town.}{\A{Town. \PE; town. F; Town. (paragraph ends) L4}}

You \edt{see}{\A{see, F}} \edt{hitherto,}{\A{hitherto H; hitherto, F L4}} \edt{dear sister, I make no complaints, and}{\lemma{dear\D and}\A{Dear Sister\D H; I make no complaints, dear sister, and, F}} if I continue to like \edt{travelling}{\A{travelling, F}} as well as I do at present, I shall not repent my \edt{\edt{project}{\B{ The Wortley Montagus left England just as the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War with Austria (1714--1718) began favoring Austria. On 25 Jul. [5 Aug.], the Austrian imperial army, led by Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663--1736), claimed victory at the Battle of Petrovaradin (Petrovaradin is a city now in Serbia). The win gave strategic advantages to the Holy Roman Empire (European territories led by emperor Charles VI (1684--1740) also archduke of Austria) over Britian's neutrality and France's ambitions to dominate Europe. Petrovaradin also empowered George I, the target of the 1715 Jacobite rebellion led by Lady Mar's husband, the earl. Robethon to Polwarth: ``There is no appearance of France openly assisting the Pretender, and after this victory of Prince Eugene's over the Turks, which will be followed promptly by peace, France will seek our friendship more than ever. All quiet in England" (Aug. [10] 21; \I{Polwarth}, 1:60). George I ruled both Great Britain (neutral in this war) and the German electorate of Hanover (allied to the Holy Roman empire). In 1683, he had been volunteered (as surety for Hanoverian forces) to fight with Austria against the Turks during the second siege of Vienna in 1683 (Hatton, 43). George I followed this war closely. For the Seventh Ottoman-Venetian War, see Letter 7, l.6n; for electorates, Letter 15, l.12n.; for the first (1529) and second sieges of Vienna, Letter 7, n.19; for Hanover and George I, Letters 17--19.}}. It}{\A{project, it H;\ldots.It F L4}} will go a great way in making me satisfied with \edt{it,}{\A{it L4}} if it affords me \edt{opportunities}{\A{oppertunitys H; an opportunity F}} of entertaining \edt{you, but}{\A{ \D .But F}} it is not from \edt{Holland}{\A{Holland, F}} that you must expect a \edt{disinteres-ted}{\A{(italicized) F}} \edt{offer.}{\A{offer, H; offer. F L4}} I can write \edt{e-nough}{\A{enough, F}} in the \edt{style}{\A{Style 1701; stile HF}} of \edt{Rotterdam,}{\A{Rotterdam L4}} to tell you plainly, in one word, I expect re-turns of all the London \edt{news.}{\A{News, H; news. F; News. L4}}

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright} \pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Maïeul Rouquette <> wrote:

I retry you first minimal example. The problem was in the order of \pend and \endnumbering. Cf f1da5e5 Do you have the same error in your full file ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

^\textsuperscript{ly} outside of an eledmac context doesn't run too.

So I think the problem is not eledmac...

maieul commented 11 years ago

ps : what does ^ mean ?

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

But {\textsuperscript} does get the document to run, even with ^. I will keep testing this.

Thank you for thinking alongside me.

There is another problem, in the same document. When I combine these excerpts, the document runs without footnotes. If I cut any one paragraph, the footnotes show up again.

I need to get some lunch - maybe you need un diner (vin? biere?). I will work on this more later. At least the file runs with eledmac, if not perfectly.

Merci beaucoup!


\documentclass[11pt]{article} \title{Turkish Embassy Letters} \author{ed. Rebecca Chung} \usepackage{times, eledmac, ulem, verse, setspace} \usepackage[protrusion=true,expansion=true]{microtype} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ptm}

\newcommand{\A}{\Afootnote} \newcommand{\B}{\Bfootnote} \newcommand{\edt}{\edtext} \newcommand{\I}{\textit} \newcommand{\U}{\uline} \newcommand{\OED}{(\I{OED})} \newcommand{\CL}{\I{CL}} \newcommand{\CT}{(comma tail removed) H} \newcommand{\PE}{(paragraph ends) } \newcommand{\D}{\ldots}

\setcounter{page}{8} \setcounter{firstlinenum}{0} \setlength\parindent{11pt} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteA}{\alph{footnoteA}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \renewcommand{\thefootnoteB}{\alph{footnoteB}} \renewcommand{\notenumfont}{\bfseries\footnotesize} \footparagraph{A} \footparagraphX{B} \frenchspacing \noendnotes

\begin{document} \beginnumbering \pstart

\begin{center} \edt{Letter 1}{\A{1 H; LETTER I (Roman numerals throughout) F}} \linebreak\linebreak To the \edt{Countess of ------}{\B{Montagu's younger sister, Lady Frances Pierrepont (1690--1761) married John Erskine (1675--1732) 6th Earl of Mar in 1714. One year later, Mar led the failed 1715 Jacobite rebellion, which tried to depose George I (1660--1727), and restore exiled prince James (Jacobus) Stuart (1688--1766). Mar fled to France and was trying to raise another army. Lady Mar's interests were protected by Montagu (1689--1762) and her husband Edward Wortley Montagu (1678--1761), as well as by father Evelyn Pierrepont (1655--1726), Duke of Kingston-upon-Hull, Lord Privy Seal (keeper of the royal seal for personal signatures). By 1728, Lady Mar was mentally ill. Montagu addresses Lady Mar in Letters 1, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 29, 33, 39, 45, and 46; see also Letter 50, l.7n. and 13n., for excerpts from Lady Mar's own letters to her husband.}}\raisebox{-1pt}{.}\linebreak\linebreak \end{center}

\begin{flushright} \edt{\edt{\I{Rotterdam}}{\B{a prosperous Dutch port.}}, Friday, \edt{Aug. 3}{\B{Plans kept changing. \I{The Flying Post or The Post Master}, 1716 Apr. 14: Mr. Wortley Montague, late one of the Lords of the Treasury, is going Ambassador to Constantinople, in the Room of Colonel Sutton, who has obtain'd Leave to come Home." Jul. 3, office circular:Mr. Montague, being appointed to succeed Sir Robert Sutton as his Majesty's ambassador at the Ottoman Port, a man-of-war is ordered to convey him to Constantinople" (Polwarth, 1:36). Jul. 7: The honourable Edward Wortley, alias Montague, will set forward this Week on his Embassy to Constantinople";Edward Wortley, alias Montague, Esq; Ambassador Extraordinary to the Ottoman Porte, sets out in a few Days for Constantinople, to relieve Sir Robert Sutton" (\I{Shift Shifted}; \I{Weekly Journal or British Gazetteer}). Jul. 27, John Robethon (d. 1722, secretary to George I) to Alexander Hume Campbell, Lord Polwarth (1675--1740, ambassador-extraordinary to Copenhagen): The Danish ambassador left in one of the King's yachts for Holland on his way to Hanover this morning, and at the same time Mr. Wortley Montagu left in another yacht also for Holland, whence he proceeds by land to Constantinople" (\I{Polwarth}, 1:47). Jul. 28:Edward-Wortley Montague, Esq; set out Yesterday Morning on his Embassy to Constantinople" (\I{Weekly Packet}). Jul. 31, office circular enclosure: Mr. Wortley Montague, his Majesty's ambassador extraordinary to Constantinople, sets out to-morrow to begin his journey thither" (\I{Polwarth},1:49). Aug. 3, office circular:Last Wednesday being the anniversary of his Majesty's happy accession to the throne \ldots.The same day Mr. Wortley Montagu set out for his embassy \ldots " (\I{Polwarth}, 1:52). A man-of-war was the largest and most-heavily armed sailing ship in the British navy; for yacht, see l.8n.}}. \edt{O.S.}{\B{To convert from old-style British dates to new-style (European) Continental dates, add eleven days to the British date. Where needed for quick referencing, both dates are supplied [using brackets].}} 1716.}{\lemma{\I{Rotterdam}\D1716.}\A{Rotterdam, Friday Aug{\textsuperscript{t}} 3. O.S. H}}\end{flushright}

\hspace{-11pt}I flatter myself (dear sister) that I shall give you some pleasure in letting you know that I \edt{am}{\A{have F}} safely passed the sea, though we had the ill fortune of a storm. We were persuaded by the captain of \edt{our}{\A{the F; our P}} \edt{yacht}{\A{yacht 1751; Yatcht HP; yatcht F}\B{In Dutch, \I{Jacht} means \I{hunt}; the Dutch used the light, fast-sailing yacht to combat pirates. In England, the yacht became a leisure ship after Charles II (1630--1685) returned from exile in one.}} to set out in a \edt{calm}{\B{absence of wind.}}, and he pretended there was nothing so easy as to tide it \edt{over;}{\A{over, L4}} \edt{but}{\A{but, F}} after two days slowly moving, the wind blew so \edt{hard}{\A{hard, F}} that none of the sailors could keep their feet, and we were all Sunday night tossed very handsomely.

\edt{You}{\A{you H; You F L4}} see I have already \edt{learnt}{\A{learn't F}} to make a good bargain, and that it is not for \edt{nothing}{\A{nothing, P}} I will so much as tell \edt{you that}{\A{you, F: You P}} I \edt{am}{\A{am, Your affectionate sister. F; am------Your Affectionate Sister.------ P; am Your Affectionate Sister. L4}}\ \newline \begin{flushright} \edt{Your affectionate sister.}{\lemma{Your\D sister}\A{Y\textsuperscript{r} Affectionate Sister (right justified) (single rule follows) H; Your affectionate sister. F; ------Your Affectionate Sister.------P}}\end{flushright}

\pend \endnumbering \end{document}

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

^\textsuperscript{ly} outside of an eledmac context doesn't run too.

So I think the problem is not eledmac...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

\textsuperscript is not the problem. The problem is ^\textsuperscript{ly}, with ledmac or not.

My food is cooking. I will try your other problem. But please, when there is an other proble, open a new issue.

For this problem, use #132

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

^ creates an insertion mark.

Think of a manuscript annotation, where a writer inserts a correction.

I am trying to transcribe an author's corrections to her own fair copy manuscript. The author's manuscript read "advantageous," which she later corrected to "advantageously" using an insertion mark and writing "ly" slightly above "advantageous."

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

ps : what does ^ mean ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

Of course! Thanks again.

I didn't realize there were at least two reasons why the document wasn't running.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Rebecca Chung wrote:

^ creates an insertion mark.

Think of a manuscript annotation, where a writer inserts a correction.

I am trying to transcribe an author's corrections to her own fair copy manuscript. The author's manuscript read "advantageous," which she later corrected to "advantageously" using an insertion mark and writing "ly" slightly above "advantageous."

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Maïeul Rouquette <


ps : what does ^ mean ?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

so does the problem with \textsuperscript and ^ solved ? is yes, please close the issue

REBECCACHUNG commented 11 years ago

Yes, the \textsuperscript problem is solved.

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 2:27 PM, Maïeul Rouquette notifications@github.comwrote:

so does the problem with \textsuperscript and ^ solved ? is yes, please close the issue

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

maieul commented 11 years ago

ok, I close the issue