maieul / ledmac

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Reledmac: critical apparatus issue with biblical verse (numbers not showing) #825

Closed piagentina closed 5 years ago

piagentina commented 5 years ago


2.31.3 MWE Verses.pdf



I am working on a text that employs biblical verse. The text contains some poetry quotations, but I don't think the \stanza environment works with my text. The issue I have is when I try to add a critical note to the part in poetry. The issue I have is that the lemma in the apparatus doesn't specify the verse they belong to. As you can see from the example provided, the "Lorem" lemma should be marked as 7 (as the text is technically in verse 7), but nothing shows up in the apparatus. Is there a way to make the verse number appear in the apparatus? Thank you in advance.

Minimal Working Example

\usepackage[total={3in, 4in}]{geometry}
        \bv{6} Erat autem Ioannes indutus camelinis pilis, lateribus pelliceo cingulo cinctis, vescebaturque locustis et \edtext{melle silvestri}{\Afootnote{melle}}, \edtext{atque}{\Afootnote{et}} huiusmodi verbis publice docebat:\bv{7} “Venit quidam post me, adeo me praestantior, ut ego non sim dignus qui eius calceorum corrigiam pronus solvam.”\\
\noindent {\small \edtext{Lorem}{\Afootnote{Loram}} ipsum dolor sit amet,\\
  consectetur adipiscing elit,\\
  sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.}\\
maieul commented 5 years ago

1) Your should really use stanza, I don't see why bible could not be typeset as stanza 2) Line number annotation are related to a specific \beginnumbering ... \endnumbering. You should not start and stop your numbered section. Just change your \pstart...\pend

piagentina commented 5 years ago

I think the issue is solved. I've managed to follow your advice. Here is the updated MWE:

\usepackage[total={3in, 4in}]{geometry}
        \bv{6} Erat autem Ioannes indutus camelinis pilis, lateribus pelliceo cingulo cinctis, vescebaturque locustis et \edtext{melle silvestri}{\Afootnote{melle}}, atque huiusmodi verbis publice docebat:\bv{7} “Venit quidam post me, adeo me praestantior, ut ego non sim dignus qui eius calceorum corrigiam pronus solvam.”\\
\small{  \stanza
\edtext{Lorem}{\Afootnote{Loram}} ipsum dolor sit amet, &
  consectetur adipiscing elit, &
  sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.\&}