maiflai / gradle-scalatest

A plugin to enable the use of scalatest in a gradle Scala project.
The Unlicense
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Some problems I encountered and fixed #64

Closed Tanemahuta closed 10 months ago

Tanemahuta commented 6 years ago

Hello maiflai. I encountered some problems with your plugin when using it with play test: 1) you cannot set maxParallelForks to 0, thus I removed that part 2) if you change the test maxParallelForks by default, you might get ppl in trouble when they use Play tests, and they need to use afterEvaluate for modifying the tests 3) third of all, if maxParallelForks is set 1, you should not run the Runner in parallel mode (no "-P")

maiflai commented 6 years ago

Thanks - I seem to recall that the original goal was to mirror the SBT defaults.

Is there a Play Framework plugin for SBT, and does that also remove the multithreaded running?

Can we find a better way to configure this so that the existing default behaviour can be preserved?