maikvandergaag / msft-extensions

Repository for extensions mainly used for Azure DevOps Extensions
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Problems with dots in pbix file name (*2024.01.22 - my name.pbix*) #523

Open michelmetran opened 5 months ago

michelmetran commented 5 months ago

Describe the issue I am using the extension to upload pbix files.

I noticed that when the file has a dot in the middle of the filename, it gives an error and the upload modifies the name truncating at the first dot.

If the file is named 2024.01.22 - my name.pbix, at the workspace will be 2024.01.


To Reproduce I maintain my repositories with azure-pipelines.yml file with the following content to perform the steps of creating artifact and publishing

# Pipeline criado para automatizar a publicação de
# arquivos .pbix em workspaces do Power BI
# Michel Metran
# Data: 05.10.2023
# Atualizado em: 22.01.2024
# -------------------------

  - main

# Agent
  vmImage: windows-2019

# Parâmetros
  - name: BI2Workspace
    type: object
      - NamePbixFile: '2024.01.22 - ANPPs.pbix'
        WorkspaceName: 'CTIC - old'

# Variáveis
  # Set Service
  PowerBIService: 'service-principal'

  # Debugar Pipeline
  system.debug: 'true'

  # Loop
  - ${{ each params in parameters.BI2Workspace }}:

    # Copia o arquivo .pbix para Staging Directory
    - task: CopyFiles@2
      displayName: 'Copy Files to: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"'
        SourceFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
        Contents: '**/${{ params.NamePbixFile }}'
        TargetFolder: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
        flattenFolders: true
        OverWrite: true

    # Publica arquivo do Staging Directory no Artifact
    - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
      displayName: 'Publish Artifact to: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
        PathtoPublish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
        ArtifactName: my_artifact
        publishLocation: Container
        MaxArtifactSize: 0
        Parallel: false
        StoreAsTar: false

    # Publica Artifact na workspace
    - task: maikvandergaag.maikvandergaag-power-bi-actions.PowerBIActions.PowerBIActions@5
      displayName: 'Power BI: Publish in Workspace'
        PowerBIServiceEndpoint: '${{ variables.PowerBIService }}'
        WorkspaceName: '${{ params.WorkspaceName }}'
        PowerBIPath: '$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/${{ params.NamePbixFile }}'

Expected behavior

Publish with the correct name.


Log info log.txt

Additional information

I noticed that if I try to upload with powershell, uploading with pbix does not change the name.

New-PowerBIReport -WorkspaceId 3eb21cbd-bca42 -Path 'C:\Users\user\bi_anpp\bi\versions\2024.01.22 - ANPPs.pbix'
maikvandergaag commented 3 months ago

Marked it as a feature request and added it to the project to be picked up