mailchimp / email-blueprints

Email Blueprints is a collection of HTML email templates that can serve as a solid foundation and starting point for the design of emails
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Blueprint updates? #28

Open gezafodor opened 9 years ago

gezafodor commented 9 years ago

Hello Guys,

this is really a good staff here, but far not up to date. Please check the blueprints in Gmail and make the corrections. And keep up the good work. :) Thanks.


niqb commented 9 years ago


rvarbanov-old commented 9 years ago


calebdel commented 9 years ago


rvarbanov commented 9 years ago


bago commented 9 years ago

To everyone above...

1) Gmail has issues/limitations and there is no way to make good email for gmail (both desktop and mobile) because it strips the html/css code that is needed to do responsive design.

2) If your issue is not about responsiveness, then please make sure you use a "CSS inliner" because you need to use a good css inliner if you want to view email correctly in Gmail.

gezafodor commented 9 years ago

Well... We could design our own sending software as well. :P

I think, the making of a cool working templates is your challenge. Our job is to concentrate to the creative message and that is all. We won't have any other technical issues, however I know some of us have no problem with inline css tools.

bago commented 9 years ago

please note that I'm not the author/owner of this project. I'm simply an EXPERT (I'm a competitor to Mailchimp, so I've nothing to gain by supporting them)

CSS inlining should be done AFTER you inserted your content in the template: if they do the inlining before then your content will not have inlined styles and will be broken again in Gmail (and other webmails stripping non-inline styles).

SO, if you want to manually create your own email you have to play that game and to play the game correctly you will have to use a tool that inline styles before sending. If you use mailchimp service (the author of this blueprints) then inlining will be automatically done by them. If you use another sending service ask them why they don't do inlining.

Mailchimp should not (and I bet, they're not going to do that) inline styles in the template, because this would simply make worst template and you will have anyway to use an inliner to inline styles in the content you add.

Don't blame mailchimp for doing great templates the right way: blame Google for the poor standard support they did in Gmail! There is nothing that can be done in the blueprint to improve that: if you don't agree provide patches that improve and let's discuss.

gezafodor commented 9 years ago

I do blame Mailchimp! :) My motivation is simple. I am also a developer fighting with various browsers, cause they interpreting the standards as they want. :/ When I offer a web solution, I take care of everything (the view, the logic) for every platform (Win, Mac, Linux, BSD, iOS, Android, etc.). I expect such a good service from a professional like Mailchimp. The minimum could be to provide somebody here to read and answare the questions. Let's say once in a week. Or in a month. :P And the functional blueprints... What if somebody would make official versions for non professionals targeting Gmail addresses?

bago commented 9 years ago

OK, I use Internet Explorer 3.01 to access one of your website and it doesn't work well... so you are not so good ;-)

What opensource product you provide? When someone offer something for free he should be thanked, not blamed.. expecially for something that cannot be fixed by him.

bago commented 9 years ago

You still don't get that THERE IS NO WAY to make a responsive email for Gmail so there is not way to do what you ask: if you think otherwise prove that by creating a template that works on Gmail like you expect. What you are asking for is simply not something that can be fixed, unless you are a Google employee and you fix Gmail.

gezafodor commented 9 years ago

Your response is wrong with the ancient browser. Nobody, or at longest a couple thousand crazy scientist use only such an old product, so I have nothing to do with optimizing to this platform. But how many Gmail users are in the world?

And believe me please, I have no problem with the responsive design. It is simply bad that the example blueprints cannot be displayed well in Gmail. However I am very thankful for the designer who made it. I found it nice and useful. And I will surely use it.

bago commented 9 years ago

Once you will find some time to study the issue you will understand that the issue is in Gmail and there is no workaround that can be applied. I'll go to study something new now, I hope my comments above are useful to better explain Google guilts.