mailcow / mailcow-dockerized

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Do not publish IMAP/SMTP in autoconfig.php if disabled via SRV record #5944

Open SailReal opened 2 weeks ago

SailReal commented 2 weeks ago

Contribution guidelines

I've found a bug and checked that ...


In we only publish TLS ports. In and we publish TLS and plain ports.

In and we already check if POP3/s is enabled via SRV record so checking against SRV records wouldn't even be something new.

To address I "disabled" plain ports via

_imaps._tcp           SRV   0 1 993
_smtps._tcp           SRV   0 1 465
_submissions._tcp     SRV   0 1 465

_submission._tcp      SRV  0 0 0   .
_smtp._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_imap._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_pop3._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_pop3s._tcp           SRV  0 0 0   .

but due to the code in autoconfig, they are still published for this endpoint only.

In the docs in is stated

SRV records specify the server(s) for a specific protocol on your domain. If you want to explicitly announce a service as not provided, give "." as the target address (instead of ""). Please refer to RFC 2782.

Also the mentioned RFC says

    Both IMAP and POP3 non-TLS service types
    are marked as not available.


      _imap._tcp     SRV  0 0 0   .
      _imaps._tcp    SRV  0 1 993
      _pop3._tcp     SRV  0 0 0   .
      _pop3s._tcp    SRV 10 1 995

I can also not fix it by adjusting something mentioned in

Please honor disabled SMTP and IMAP as well for the autoconfig endpoint.



Steps to reproduce:

1. Disable imap and smtp via

_imaps._tcp           SRV   0 1 993
_smtps._tcp           SRV   0 1 465
_submissions._tcp     SRV   0 1 465

_submission._tcp      SRV  0 0 0   .
_smtp._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_imap._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_pop3._tcp            SRV  0 0 0   .
_pop3s._tcp           SRV  0 0 0   .
  1. Check the autoconfig output e.g. via curl It should not contain IMAP and SMTP on plain ports.

Full output of the xml

<?xml version="1.0"?><clientConfig version="1.1">
    <emailProvider id="">
      <displayName>A mailcow mail server</displayName>
      <displayShortName>mail server</displayShortName>

      <incomingServer type="imap">
      <incomingServer type="imap">

      <outgoingServer type="smtp">
      <outgoingServer type="smtp">

      <enable visiturl="">
         <instruction>If you didn't change the password given to you by the administrator or if you didn't change it in a long time, please consider doing that now.</instruction>
         <instruction lang="de">Sollten Sie das Ihnen durch den Administrator vergebene Passwort noch nicht geändert haben, empfehlen wir dies nun zu tun. Auch ein altes Passwort sollte aus Sicherheitsgründen geändert werden.</instruction>


      <loginPage url="" />

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mkuron commented 2 weeks ago

Good find, I forgot IMAP and SMTP when I implemented the SRV record checking. Would you please submit a pull request to add that?

SailReal commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your fast response and yes, I can create a PR for it.