mailcow / mailcow-dockerized

mailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕
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Server Side filters #676

Closed imp1sh closed 7 years ago

imp1sh commented 7 years ago


I just migrated from 0.14 to mailcow-dockerized. I'm on 40506d30526886ee681a3b7257c0cccf33bcc37a. Server side mail filters don't work any more. I just set up thunderbird with sieve plugin and I can see that my old sieve settings are basically still there.

When I look into the WebUI though there are no filters in: Preferences - Mail - Filters

Did I do something wrong or what is happening here? It would be very nice to be able to continue using my older rules since it would mean a lot of work for all mailboxes to setup the filters manually one again via WebUI.

Thank you.

imp1sh commented 7 years ago

When I setup filters via Sogo interface they doesn't work either.

andryyy commented 7 years ago

Hi, We would need Dovecot logs when this is happening (or not happening). Could you please also update?

imp1sh commented 7 years ago

Here's postfix:

Oct 24 01:48:10 srv115 postfix/qmgr[328]: E83A28003F: from=<>, size=6643, nrcpt=1 (queue active)tfix/lmtp[6553]: E83A28003F: to=<>, relay=dovecot[fd4d:6169:6c63:6f77::2]:24, delay=0.42, delays=0.36/0/0/0.05, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 <> 6ExtEtqb7lniEwAAScn98A Saved)
Oct 24 01:48:10 srv115 postfix/smtpd[6548]: disconnect from[] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=7fix/postscreen[6537]: CONNECT from []:59353 to []:25

Corresponding dovecot:

dovecot-mailcow_1    | Oct 24 01:48:10 srv115 dovecot: lmtp( 6ExtEtqb7lniEwAAScn98A: sieve: msgid=<>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'

After migration to dockerized sogo interface did not show any filters at all. Those given in attached screenshot I just created out of desperation. Still not working though. Also Screenshot of Thunderbird client with sieve plugin showing sieve filters that were migrated from non-dockerized installation. screenshot_2017-10-28_10-23-33 screenshot_2017-10-28_10-23-56 screenshot_2017-10-28_10-27-38_edited

th3noname commented 7 years ago

I can confirm that sieve filters created in Sogo are not acutally applied. They don't appear within the mailboxes sieve folder and don't work. If i create the same filter with the sieve Thunderbird plugin the script gets created and works.

EDIT: I have a fresh mailcow installation from two days ago.

andryyy commented 7 years ago

I cannot confirm this. Filters are created.

You need to check a filter as active (checkbox left to the filter name) in SOGo and click the save button.

th3noname commented 7 years ago

I did exactly what you said without success. Then i restarted the complete mailcow stack and tried again and now it works. Strange. Well it works now.

imp1sh commented 7 years ago

After the following procedure my filters are working again, too. I deleted all filter groups in sieve and all filter set in Sogo web UI. Then I recreated the filters manually in Sogo web UI.

stevesbrain commented 7 years ago

Yeah, all created filters have always worked for me - odd that they weren't for you guys, but glad they are now :)