mailcow / mailcow-dockerized

mailcow: dockerized - 🐮 + 🐋 = 💕
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Can't start docker after Kernel update (4.9) #769

Closed DJIronic closed 6 years ago

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

I have problem with mailcow-dockerized after updating Kernel.

1) I updated it, there was a problem with Docker launching, so I deleted "aufs" folder as was mentioned here in (I also used guide how to update the kernel from this page.

2) now whem I go into /home/mailcow-dockerized folder and I try to run docker-compose up -d I get this:

root@MailServer:/home/mailcow-dockerized# docker-compose up -d
Pulling pdns-mailcow (andryyy/mailcow-dockerized:pdns)...
ERROR: repository andryyy/mailcow-dockerized not found: does not exist or no pull access

Server Details: Debian 8: Linux MailServer 4.9.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.51-1~bpo8+1 (2017-10-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux RAM: 2GB CPU: 2 (3,39Ghz) cores Gigabit network (OVH)

So now I can't start mailcow-dockerized. I want to run it with actual configuration, I did the update because of many random server freezes (no full memory). So now I want to keep my data at the first place. This going to be a long night for me as this is our company server and they need to access their mails..I know..I should do the snaphshot in VMware before this action..I was tired.

Thank you so much for your help. :)

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

And...I just realized that Docker can't see any of my containers (using docker ps command). 👎

mkuron commented 6 years ago

It says pdns-mailcow in the output you provided. Are you running some ancient version of Mailcow? We haven‘t been using PowerDNS for a long time... If you want to bring up this old version, you need to build all images manually:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up --no-build -d
DJIronic commented 6 years ago

It was not managed by me for a long time. I was deployed on another projects => it was nto my job to take care about this server...and they called me "something is not working". So...I don't know. :/ But Thank you for your answer!

docker-compose build: image

docker-compose up --no-pull -d: image

mkuron commented 6 years ago

This seems to be an older docker-compose version. Please remove all image: lines from docker-compose.yml and try docker-compose up -d.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

I just removed all lines containing image: and I got this: image

mkuron commented 6 years ago

Then you need an appropriate dockerfile line to the rspamd-mailcow section in docker-compose.yml. That was peobably missing in the version you are using.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK...and where I can get it? Sorry...I am totally new to docker..Mailcow is my first thing running on it.

So sorry for dumb questions.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, I tried to change image: link for rspamd-mailcow from actual docker-compose.yml from GitHub. Then it asked for nearly every other app in the same way so I was replacing links the new ones from actual github file...and now it´s asking for image: link for pdns-mailcow:


So I don't know, if I did it right to get "an appropriate dockerfile line" and don't know, what to do now.

mkuron commented 6 years ago

What commit are you on?

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

I am not sure where to get it, but mailcow-dockerized was installed 22.2. 2017 (read from last edit on some folders).

mkuron commented 6 years ago

git log or git describe should tell you.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

This is the top of history file, seems like last commit from Andryyy is 15bffcd447c669453a521d69d659eeaddad31345 and from André Peters it´s 2ebdb4a54ba69a649e751b56ff9860cdc0cdd240


mkuron commented 6 years ago

I think you didn‘t make the right modifications to the docker-compose.yml file. You need to delete the image: lines and add ones like build: ./data/Dockerfiles/pdns, using the correct directory instead of pdns for every service.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, I started to removing all image lines like image: andryyy/mailcow-dockerized:dovecot but there is no line with build but I just met something like this:

        - pdns-mailcow make it clear, here is my actual (original docker-compose.yml). and this is what I am doing with it (changed first few servicies) that right?

mkuron commented 6 years ago

No, you need to add new build lines to every service. And don’t modify the dependencies.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK...I am so must by totally angry at me now for my sorry, I am trying.

Did I get it now?

      build: ./data/Dockerfiles/pdns
          condition: service_healthy
        - ./data/conf/pdns/:/etc/powerdns/
      restart: always
            - pdns

      build: ./data/Dockerfiles/mysl
        test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "--host", "localhost", "--silent"]
        interval: 10s
        timeout: 30s
        retries: 5
        - mysql-vol-1:/var/lib/mysql/
        - ./data/conf/mysql/:/etc/mysql/conf.d/:ro
      dns_search: mailcow-network
        - MYSQL_USER=${DBUSER}
      restart: always
            - mysql

      build: ./data/Dockerfiles/redis
        - pdns-mailcow
        - redis-vol-1:/data/
      restart: always
      dns_search: mailcow-network
            - redis
mkuron commented 6 years ago

Yes, that looks sensible.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, now it´s like this. Now should I run docker-compose up -d?

mkuron commented 6 years ago

Do docker-compose build first. Then bring up the containers.

If that doesn‘t work or the build fails, you‘ll need to upgrade to the current Mailcow version or reinstall a new Mailcow and restore your data from backup.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, ending with error Cannot locate specified Dockerfile: Dockerfile and that's interesting. I am in folder /home/mailcow-dockerized and folder in .yml file is ./data/Dockerfiles/mysql.

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic I wasn't using mailcow-dockerized this long ago, so I don't have experience with the options that were available back then. However, given you've inherited this, and are now expected to get this working + keep it working, I'd suggest backing up, and restoring your email data to the latest mailcow version.

This will mean you'll be getting the latest updates, and updating is much easier (just run ./ - that's literally it). You'll be able to be better supported here, and you'll have a better idea yourself of how it's all running (given you've set it up from scratch).

Also, regarding:

OK...I am so must by totally angry at me now for my sorry, I am trying.

I don't think anyone is going to get angry at you :) We're here to help, and you've inherited something and are expected to hit the ground running with zero experience in this project; we can certainly sympathise with the position you're in!

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, updating to newest version and then recovering all the data back is a nice idea, but how to do that.

I updated the system once a loong time ago..then it was mine, running updated and without problems. But now...even the ./ file is missing from the mailcow-dockerized folder. :D This sevrer is in total dead what now? Download from actual GitHub repository and use it to update my old mailcow?

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

And of course, thank you for understanding my situtation. :) I am trying to do my best o understand you and to don't have stupid questions but sometimes I just don't have any idea what something mean. Now I am creating VMware snapshot to prevent me doing even more damage to all the files.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK...I am probably totally stupid and I probably just killed all the data...

I tought I created snapshot of the server in VMware to be safe trying the update script...but I missclicked and I created an snapshot of another server and I run the mailcow is running, without any of my files and configs... GJ me...I probably just killed all the hope.

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic How did you update? Normally, you'd do two things:

a) Pull the latest git snapshot with git pull (only necessary this time because you're behind) b) Run the update with ./

If, after this, it's still dead, you can recover - the docker data containers should still exist. Do you have any other backup aside from snapshot btw? If you wanted to backup from old host, restore to a new host, you could follow this for Mail, and this for MySQL

If you get really stuck, I occasionally do remote work - I might have some time to assist

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, there is no backups...just the broken server...and I just created a snapshot fo bad server = I have nothing right now...this server was not managed by no backups at all...I think none cared about it...

So what I did is just downloading newest and running it, that´s all. Am I still able to save my data? (I did the snapshot just now after I realized what I have done..)

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic As long as you didn't overwrite your server with the snapshot of another server, then it should be fine. Docker keeps the volumes in a specific directory. Can you do this and tell me the output? It should be similar to the following:

[root@stevesbrain mailcow-dockerized]# ls /var/lib/docker/volumes
mailcowdockerized_crypt-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_dkim-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_mysql-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_postfix-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_redis-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_rspamd-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1  metadata.db

If you listed the vmail dir, you should see:

[root@stevesbrain mailcow-dockerized]# ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1/_data/
DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK...I see hosted domains = data should be still there! Nice, thank you...

so OK, here is the output: image

Code version:

root@MailServer:~# ls /var/lib/docker/volumes
mailcowdockerized_crypt-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_postfix-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_vmail-vol-1                                     96caab97240cd60f6ade28e1ac643e08dd16a6885a16d77d0b3acdbbb72e6010
mailcowdockerized_dkim-vol-1   mailcowdockerized_redis-vol-1    metadata.db                                                       99cdc8be7c318966cc3589b71134752a40a3bd3a5c0dad299d53b06986093659
mailcowdockerized_mysql-vol-1  mailcowdockerized_rspamd-vol-1   4232a00103a467358a5d9f8d9b127f160f1edbbfa24e4933fd74b7ac567e4b76
stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

Great, I dare say things shall be fine then. This is what I'd do at this point, given it's not running anyway:

  1. Clone the repo to a new directory
  2. Copy your config file/relevant parts of your mailcow.conf (or run and check mailcow.conf against your previous mailcow.conf)
  3. Then, run docker-compose pull; docker-compose up -d

Let me know how that goes :) Given it's so far behind, some further manual intervention may be required (I think there was some redis data cleanup a while back, etc)

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, I did it all.. cloned repo to /root and then created new config. I hope that everything is same...

then I run the two commands, end up with this: image

ooh...and now I realize that DBPASS adn DBROOT is differenet in the config (and things that don't even exists in the old config). Is that a problem?

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

Yeah, set your DB stuff to be the same, then recreate: docker-compose down; docker-compose up -d, then check that the VM's are running: docker ps -a and if all is good, make sure you can log in and check your mail, send and receive, etc.

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

You are genius! :) Thank you very much!

Recieving: image

Sending: image

So yes, nearly everything is working..there is just one small thing..:( My boss hates SOGo so he wants to have RoundCube installed too...I did it in some way on the old installation of Mailcow..but I am not sure if it was the right ways. It was running under https://mydomain.tld/rc. Now I have Nginx 404 there. So is there any normal and right way how to do it.

But if you tired and don't have or you just had enough for me. Don't mind id or answer it later...I can survive some loud words for RC, but not for non-working mail just saved me :) Thank you again.

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

Glad it's working now :) Give me a few minutes for RoundCube - I'll see what's the best way to go about it!

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic Actually, I think if you just follow this page that should give you all you need :)

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

OK, I will do another complete backup of server (snapshot) to be sure that I will not break anyting with my changes...and we will see.

Thank you very much again.. :)

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

That's alright, no worries @DJIronic :) Just a point to note - Snapshots shouldn't be used as backups (at least not long term) for a couple of reasons:

It's fine for short term stuff, like making sure you can quickly roll back, but I'd definitely suggest you implement a proper backup solution for the future :) Don't forget to delete the snapshot when you're done!

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

Hi guys,

sorry for re-opening this thread again..after hours and hours of my questions. But I have two more, but less urgent take your it if you want.

I am running my mailserver with new valid SSL for all domains and all is fine now, so thank you again.

But I am struggling with RoundCube. I went through the configuration and now I have problem to connect it to the database. I am using DB login and password from DBPASS and DBROOT inside mailcow.conf and mailcow as a DB name. But there is still a connection error on the RD page.

obrazek So that's it.

And my second question is about backups, I have access to corporate unlimited Google Drive, but I don't have any idea how to backup server based on docker. I want to keep mail messages and configuration safe on the Gdrive..preferably encrypted. I know how to backup files (create encrypted archive and upload into Gdrive using rclone) with autmaticaly created folder structure. But as there is the docker thing, I am lost.

So thank you again for your time. I am so happy that our corporate mailserver is back and working..and I still have my job.

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic As for roundcube, I probably won't have time to look until tomorrow (my time) sorry - so roughly 12 hours. Maybe someone else will have time before then (though you'll have to actually "reopen" the issue, as it's still closed).

Regarding backups, there's two ways to do it.

  1. You can backup by running the specific export commands listed in the mailcow dockerized doco website - this will duplicate your storage requirements for the duration of the backup (more or less). Or,
  2. The way I do it - I backup up the Docker volumes folder (as all data is simply kept there as files), and my mailcow conf folder (I actually backup the whole folder - git repo + mailcow.conf, but you could just backup your custom bits).

rclone is good - duplicity might be even better for you (parity bits, point-in-times snapshots, etc), or borg. Check them out anyway :)

DJIronic commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't reopen this issue.. there is no button on the place where it normally is.

You don't need to apologize :) this is not your work. Take your time and do what you need.

Thank you so much for backup options, I will check them out ASAP.

stevesbrain commented 6 years ago

@DJIronic I tried this out with a fresh install, and everything worked fine. Did you copy the exactly as is from the setup instructions, or did you modify this after copying?

stale[bot] commented 6 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.