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search package only in base gopath #85

Open assalyn opened 8 years ago

assalyn commented 8 years ago

e.g. I have a source dir like this +src _+ login_server _main.go (package main) + login ____login.go (package login)

main.go and dir login are children of dir src, login.go in dir login

when I try --instrument=login complains cannot find package "login" in any of: C:\Go\src\login (from $GOROOT) C:\Go\gopath\src\login (from $GOPATH) G:\go\zhongshen\server\src\login

even if I add login_server to gopath, it can't work cannot find package "login" in any of: C:\Go\src\login (from $GOROOT) C:\Go\gopath\src\login (from $GOPATH) G:\go\zhongshen\server\src\login G:\go\zhongshen\server\src\login_server\src\login

No idea how to make it work

richard-julien commented 8 years ago

Same problem for me. Do you find any solution ?

assalyn commented 8 years ago

@richard-julien Now I use IntellJ's Go Plugin, which can debug golang step by step and visible some-like visual studio for C++, so~

richard-julien commented 8 years ago

@chenwee thanks for your answer. I also tried dlv with intellij with some crashes. Anyway, it seems to be the best solution today.