mailhog / MailHog

Web and API based SMTP testing
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Limit the amount of mails Mailhog saves #74

Open oers opened 8 years ago

oers commented 8 years ago

I have a long running Installation for a test environment. To speed up the reaction times of the gui I would like to:

ian-kent commented 8 years ago

thanks @oers :+1: good idea!

matglas commented 6 years ago

Is there any known progress on this?

savinov commented 6 years ago

As a workaround: call periodically HTTP DELETE /api/v1/messages to clean the storage.

allangood commented 5 years ago

I've started to work on this item as it's seems to be very critical for me. I'm using MongoDB because "inmemorry" storage uses too much memory to store embedded content and attachments, and MongoDB tends to be very slow after 20k~50k messages (MongoDB running with 1.5GB limit).

For now, to make thinks easy, I'm implementing limit based on number of messages for InMemory and MongoDB storage. Maildir needs more work.

I will submit the PR in a few days.


allangood commented 5 years ago

Addressed on PR #244 Hope it helps!


allangood commented 5 years ago

I would like to share some tests results using this feature enabled.

Before and after the patch The big drop is when I started to use the --storage-limit 2000 switch image

Messages sent during that period: image


fabiencytadel commented 5 years ago

Nice work @allangood !

trajano commented 5 years ago

Is this merged yet?

allangood commented 5 years ago

No, isn't. But I've forked this project and published a version with this change on my account.

trajano commented 5 years ago

@allangood is there a docker image for this?

allangood commented 5 years ago

Hi @trajano , you can use the Docker file available on my repository to build it. It uses the latest version of Alpine.

trajano commented 5 years ago

@allangood what's the URL for the repository? I can't find it in docker hub. Oh I just read it carefully, you didn't publish it to Hub then.

acky001 commented 3 years ago

This needs to be merged, because without it, automatic periodical tests are not possible with MailHog. The memory consumption will kill it sooner or later. It's just a matter of time and amount of mails sent.

allangood commented 3 years ago

Sorry guys, but I never publish it on Docker Hub. For now, you have to git clone/download and build the image locally.

I didn't want to "compete" with the original repository...

mookkiah commented 3 years ago

I see there is lot of value in automatic clean up of emails as a feature in mailhog. Even though HTTP DELETE /api/v1/messages helps, it is wiping all.

We use mailhog as a service for development and automated functional test practice. Also we use for load testing email sending workflows. This avoids stress in our actual email server.

Wiping all mails periodically causing tests to fail as our test script checks back to mailhog if mails received as expected.

So I would like the clean up procedure as configurable like when environment property CLEAN_EMAILS_OLDER_THAN_MINUTES is set has value then run a clean up activity which acts accordingly.

There are options how to implement Option 1: Make the clean up activity as part of the product Option 2: Write shell script call it from the container run time platform (docker swamr, kubernetes etc). For example have a cron job/side car for in kubernetes which calls the script instead of starting mailhog Option 3: Make the script available in documentation so that users can decide however they want to run. Option 4: Introduce a filtering option on messages api like /api/v2/messages?older_than_in_minutes=60. Let the user call the REST api with DELETE method using their platform offered scheduling option.

Any opinion to add/eliminate these options to come to a better decision?

sgohl commented 3 years ago

I would not expect mailhog to implement a whole scheduler just for this one task, if not for something more useful anyway. For me, it would be absolutely acceptable to have a callable HTTP route with a GET argument to provide the OLDER_THAN amount, be it minutes, hours or days. It's not important how long the task needs to run. To prevent Mailhog from needing to run a possible costly query, I can also think of a task which just marks/labels ALL mails "to_be_deleted" with one HTTP-route, while extending the already existing endpoint to optionally only delete those mails which have been marked/labeled

mookkiah commented 3 years ago

@sgohl, I hope you are referring to add a query parameter older_than to GET /api/v2/messages api. Right? Or you meant to say DELETE?

By saying "not expect mailhog to implement a whole scheduler", I guess you are preferring to introduce the option 4 which provides API to delete older_than (in minutes) emails. Let the user decide how they want to call the delete rest api.

Let me know if I did not write option 4?

sgohl commented 3 years ago

I hope you are referring to add a query parameter older_than to GET /api/v2/messages api. Right? Or you meant to say DELETE?

yea ok sry, I think I got your 4th option wrong at first. Reading again, it's exactly what I meant

mookkiah commented 3 years ago

@sgohl @ian-kent I am thinking about implementing it. But I do not see any recent PR got accepted. Even the contributing section needs update. May be I am not looking properly. Please help me understand. Is this project accepting contribution?

vvp1983 commented 2 years ago

hello! 2 y.ago... Any news? Script or crontab with api or other - very bad idea.

jeremysimmons-ent commented 2 years ago

Very interested in this PR what do we need to do to make it happen? I'd be happy to update the PR to resolve conflicts if necessary.

petertwise commented 2 years ago

Interested to see @allangood 's PR make it in eventually.

Our needs are much more basic, so for now I'm using @savinov 's DELETE method overnight daily just with this in my crontab

# purge the MailHog inbox at 4am nightly
0 4 * * * curl  --header "Content-type: application/json" --request DELETE

(placed here for any other n00bs like me, using everything out of the box default, who might need to google a few things to figure out how to "just run DELETE on the API periodically")

dhlavac commented 1 year ago

Any update on this feature? Limit on messages/memory would be helpful

mabihan commented 8 months ago

A workaround :

  1. Use file-based storage (use MH_STORAGE and MH_MAILDIR_PATH)
  2. Add a cron that keeps only last n files

docker-compose.yml :

version: '3'

    restart: always
    image: mailhog/mailhog
    container_name: mailhog
      MH_STORAGE: maildir
      MH_MAILDIR_PATH: /home/mailhog/mails
      - "8025:8025"
      - "8026:8026"

crontab (test only with macOs)

# delete mailhog data
* * * * *       ~/.scripts/





MH_HOME=$(docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c 'echo $HOME')


docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c "ls -t $MH_MAILDIR_PATH/|tail -n +$KEPT_FILE_COUNT|xargs -I @ rm  $MH_MAILDIR_PATH/@"
docker exec $CONTAINER_NAME sh -c "echo 'last cleanup at $(date)' >  $MH_HOME/cleanup.log"